OPERATION "X-20", The Will of God



This weekend we said GOODBYE to 2023, and for me, I will shed NO TEARS over it's departure! What a Crazy Year.

We got off to a pretty good start in 2023 with a significant miracle that unfolded LIVE on national television, at a football game between Buffalo and the Cincinnati Bengals. The date was January 3rd, 2023.

Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlen went into cardiac arrest on the field following a routine hit during a play. What we witnessed next was GOD's Hand working right before thousands of eyes, each viewer holding their breath during every passing minute; watching medical teams do what they do, players from BOTH teams creating a wall of privacy, and PRAYER AFTER PRAYER began rocketing into the heavens from the field, the stadium, and every location on this planet where witness after witness watched the same event at the same time.

For a brief few periods of evaporating time, thousands upon thousands were QUIET, SINGLE MINDED, PRAYERFUL,and HOPEFUL.  Calling upon God to make this horrible thing turn around. No sniping, no hitting the ice box for another beer. Just SILENCE. Even the NFL announcers were well mannered and respectful. The Hand of the Creator of the Universe had the field advantage. A celesstial Touch Down was about to occur! {John 11:42-43}


The Creator of the Universe, King of Kings, Jesus Christ responded and brought a dead man back to life.... LIVE and in LIVING COLOR... on a football field. By the Grace and Love of Almighty God, Damar Hamlen is back, THIS YEAR, playing football but with a whole NEW appreciation for the power of Prayer. This miracle we witnessed happened because GOD SHOWED UP!!   GOD ALWAYS SHOWS UP!   We miss so many of His Holy works by not paying attention. For those miracles we Thank-You and Praise You Almighty Savior, Praise You Jesus!

2023 is gone forever. No longer present, no longer relevant. The year started out with a genuine mass-witnessed miracle. In among the Blessings that God delivered to countless thousands in 2023. While this and other events was unfolding, over 2/3rds of GODS's creation turned their backs on Him. Refused HIM. Blasphemed and slandered HIM, abused HIS Holy Name.

The creations of HIS very hands was breaking the Lord's heart. The hatred, vulgarity, Evil behavior; those who find comfort and lustfilled joy in DARKNESS and EVIL, all fueled by Greed and the pursuit of Power over every aspect of our lives. This has to end. We have one Shepherd, just one. He created the heavens and the earth AND, He created YOU!

Today they say you can select your gender. I'm told that there are a number of genders from which you may pick. Perhaps one that will really float your boat. Recently arrests have been made for mis-gendering, or incorrect usage of a person's pronouns. In some states it is acceptable to KILL a viable baby in the womb or even after delivery in the name of women's rights. My Bible calls that murder. {Exo 20:13} Having a ZIT removed enjoys the same routine status as an abortion today. That is how callous we have become. How ROUTINE is the PROCEDURE for killing an innocent human being, the incovenient product of Sin-induced Sexual LUST.

You thought 2023 was a crazy year? Gird your loins my friend, 2024 is going to be off the charts!

This year we will take part in an Election and we will cast the LAST votes that will ever matter again. That is how important this year will be.

I pray to our FATHER in Heaven that every legal American Citizen commit your self to God and VOTE this year. Tell your kids, your grandkids. I pray that you will toss out political labels like DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN. Be gone with words like LIBERAL OR CONSERATIVE. I pray that you will not allow any consideration be made based on POLITICS, COLOR, RACE, OR POSITION, POWER, or WEALTH. Let your votes reflect what is RIGHTOUS and reject all of that which is EVIL.

Join me and thousands of other like minded believers of the TRUTH, in OPERATION "X-20". Open your Bible to EXODUS Chapter 20, and verses 1 through 21. Read the TEN COMMANDMENTS. Read them over and over again and PRAY. Pray and study the Commandments until you are absolutely confident that you have a solid understanding of RIGHT and WRONG, of GOOD and EVIL. Then VOTE.

Vote for what is RIGHT. Vote for what is GOOD, vote for what is HOLY and PERFECT, and FORGIVING. Let Jesus and the Holy Spirit guide your Ballot selections on Election Day 2024.

In the Perfect name of the one TRUE God, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, AMEN and AMEN. 

 Chaplain Gary, MSAL  

Email: afndelago@gmail.com





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