O' Thou Most High, we come before You with humble hearts and with great thanksgiving for the multitude of blessings granted us during this past year of 2020. By Your wondrous grace, unmerited, all of the worldly challenges, especially those of Satan, were met and overcome due to Your intervention and intercession.

We bow before Your throne, Father, and admit that we are unable to even influence or change any worldly event except it be through You. With You in prayer, all things become possible and nothing remains impossible as it is by Your hand all things begin and end, as Your will is expressed and sent out by the Word, all things return to You with its purpose accomplished.

We witness the conclusion of one year and the instant start of another. This cycle of seasons was ordained when You spoke in the beginning and the Word was the cause of creation. Another New Year is embarking upon us.  Just like many New Years before it.  Once again the Lord will turn the page from 2020 to 2021.  How many more pages are left for the Lord to turn? Only You know, Sovereign Author, only You know.

Our duty as this New Year unfolds is to focus constantly on the Majesty of this great TRINITY keeping You Father, You Lord Jesus, You Holy Spirit as our first and most hallowed priority. All of our actions, thoughts, desires must begin and end with You. It is our desire to reflect Your LIGHT with confidence and in such a manner to make You proud of us Mighty Father.

If we have found favor in Your eyes, Lord, may we pray for the following in hopes that these will be Your Will to permit;

Israel must absolutely be protected and supported throughout this year and all years we have remaining.

That EVIL expressed be turned back against those expressing that EVIL and every attempt began be caused to fail.

That Pestilence be permitted to depart if it is Your will Lord

That the many, many precious souls living that have a personal and direct relationship with JESUS be kept strong, courageous, bold and humble in their remaining days on this earth no matter their place or position, that their hearts remain pure and devoted to following in the footsteps of the Creator of all that is or that will ever be.

All of this we pray in the name above all names, Our King, Our Savior, Our Lord Jesus the Christ, The MESSIAH, AMEN.


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