Is the grass always greener on the other side of the fence? We humans seem to think so. In another handful of hours we will witness the remarkable annual transition from one year to another. Remarkable? Really?

2020 was and continues to be a highly eventful year. Not just for Americans here in the land of the free. The events that unfolded, and the almost lemming like global reaction points to biblical prophesy of the end times and the formation of a One World Government. Observers have long been watching the germination of this seed planted many years ago.

For our tiny ministry 2020 started out in wonderful fashion as we were blessed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in three assisted living facilities. The best part is that our Lord opened the door so that all were being preached on the Lord's Day, Sunday. These communities of precious souls often found that it was next to impossible to arrange for transportation to and from a local church for Sunday Services. The answer was simple and straight forward. Lets bring the church to these communities of heroes of humanity. God is good!

In March, news arrived of a terrible virus that had escaped from China and its spread was astounding, and global! Just before Easter, all of our ALF's {Assisted Living Facilities} locked the doors preventing entry even to the immediate family. The PHYSICAL well being of those inside was of paramount import. What about their SPIRITUAL well being?? The physical is temporary, the Spiritual is FOREVER!

Prayers work. God is ever so Merciful and LOVING. It was His will to open the doors to a solution that would penetrate even the most robust wall or barrier. RADIO. Not only did our Lord open that door, He also directed us to sources and supplies and arranged for us the most simple manner to accomplish a full church service all from the contents of a suitcase.

By Easter, we had all the tools we needed and the first test was at a Baptist Church in Jay, Florida as Pastor Brian broadcast a first full sermon to the ears of passionate believers gathered in automobiles in the church parking lot. This was the spark that we needed to continue serving those communities of senior citizens in the comfort of their own homes and in their own secured communities every Sunday since. We did not have to enter the buildings. we could punch right through with a good signal and the Gospel message delivered.

God was not done. He opened yet another door adding our FOURTH facility where the Lord's Day Sunday message is delivered to the ears of yet another community of followers of our precious Lord Jesus. Thank-You Father, Thank-You Jesus, Thank-You Holy Spirit, AMEN

Those of you who have not yet received the gift of Grace by calling on the name of Jesus [the only door to the Kingdom of God] might want to blow the dust off of your Bible, if you own one, and begin a study of 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4, verses 13 thru 17. This is a good place to start. The Gospel according to John, Romans Chapter 10, The book of Ephesians, Daniel, Revelation, all great eye opening measurements of where we all are presently as it relates to God's mighty plan falling into place. It is important to remember, all of that which is heading our way is not chaos. It is God's perfect plan finally falling into place!!

Ask Jesus to come into you. Save you. Cleanse you. Ask Him to show you the way. When that day arrives, waste no time finding a church of Godly, Bible Preaching souls that will introduce you to a wondrous and beautiful new life in Christ!

The New Year is almost here. What do you think? Do you suppose that the grass will indeed be greener in 2021? If you have the Holy Spirit inside you FAITH will do all the rest. Let God be your constant focus.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


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