Later this week-- on Thursday-- many will gather as one to give thanks to God for the blessings over this past year and perhaps throughout our lives. Since this is the year 2020, we have a bushel basket full of distractions to contend with.

The blessings might be a bit harder to ferret out in amongst the China-Virus, the lock-downs, and the pre and post election shenanigans. We are heading toward the end of the year with a sizable number of unknowns that may need attention.

For followers of Jesus, we know that worldly machinations are in the divine sphere of our Creator. As such, there is a quiet confidence that everything is unfolding according to the will of the Lord our God. Still, we, with humble adoration offer our pleadings in prayer just in case He needs our suggestions. He loves to hear our voices! Trust and Obey----that is the way!

What are you thankful for this year? This decade? This century?

First and foremost I am thankful that I have a direct, personal, beautiful relationship with Almighty God, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In that same thankful declaration is the receiving of salvation and the indwelling Spirit of the Lord at the same time and in the same place with my bride of 30 years, Linda. Nothing compares to that Moment in time!

Over these past years, the realization and confirmation of His measureless power and righteousness displayed in Truth through Holy Scripture overwhelms the simple capacity of the human mind. To be sharing this awesome realization with my best friend and wife is truly a most awesome gift. Praise You Jesus!

Thanksgivings that I lift up includes being granted the holy honor to be witness to the movement of the hand of God as He answers prayers and delivers true miracles each and every day. The human condition expects God's miracles to measure up to the Hollywood's Spectacular Thunder and lightning as testimony. The reality is that He can do as your mind might conjure, but daily, His miracles are quiet, unassuming and the gentle results of His will. If we are paying attention, He freely shares these miracles with us!

Two such miracles are given us each day. Sunrise and Sunset. The artistry of the hand of God is unmatched as the sun slowly rises from it's slumber; opening the new day with a promise and glory unmatched as He paints the sky with a moving, ever changing pastel explosion of colors that no human being can duplicate. The daily event heralds a new chapter, a fresh start, another opportunity to bring glory to His majesty in awesome adoration of His creation.

At sunset, our Lord gives us the perfect back drop that begs meditation and rest as the silvers and golds blend with the ever deep blues welcoming the arrival of the star decked canopy of heaven. Both of these august events, these Godly gifts, have never been duplicated since the beginning of time. Always different, never the same, never repeated. THAT my Beloved, is an incredible miracle and a wondrous gift to His creation.

I could go on and on. In my brief 70 plus years on this third rock from the sun, the list of all that which I am thankful for could fill several volumes of bound books. Your list would be likewise volume heavy. My gaze is now on eternity. My journey on this earth is entering the winter months. My faith drives me on, one step at a time, ever moving forward to that day when I will cross the finish line and fall to my knees, trembling with Joy in the presence of He who created me!

Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Almighty God, fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit of Your divine love during this thanksgiving period. Let us cast aside the impediments and the distractions as we join our hearts worshiping You and the gifts You have given us, Amen and AMEN!


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