"And He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him." [Joh 8:29] That was of course our Savior Jesus speaking.   As He pleases His Father, we likewise must please our Savior. He is our ROCK and is always with us in all our difficulties, now and forever.

We focus today on a tiny FOUR LETTERED WORD. O-B-E-Y. A word that is truly the KEY that opens the door to eternal life. You will be pleased to know That this same key fits the locks of Earthly life as well. Come along as we discover the wonder of this small empowering and life giving word.

Pray with me; Almighty God, we cannnot fully grasp the perfection of your creation through our own means. As simple creatures we require simple instructions, simple guides. Even then, without direction, such as found in Holy Scripture -- we tend to wander off the page and get into trouble. As our true and Holy Creator, we are reminded over and over again that we must OBEY YOUR will. Teach us, Reach us today, O' Lord, empower us to be Obedient, in Jesus, AMEN.

Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered
. [Heb 5:8]  Jesus was and is our STANDARD as we continue moving toward ETERNITY through OBEDIENCE in CHRIST. It is to HIM by way of the HOLY SPIRIT and HOLY SCRIPTURE that we find the direction and guidance for all things now and forever. It is through JESUS and His obedient suffering that we are granted LIFE ETERNAL the REWARD for our OBEDIENCE.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. [Joh 1:1-3] God spoke! The WORD [JESUS] Obeyed. And All things came into being through Him. JESUS is our unfailing example of faithful OBEDIENCE to which we MUST follow!

There was a little boy about three years old watching his dad use an acetylene torch to cut a piece of angle-iron. The dad warned the boy, DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING I AM CUTTING! It is HOT and you will get burned! As the dad turned to lay the torch down, the child placed his tiny hand on the cherry red end of the angle-iron! A SHREEK of gut-wrenching pain could be heard for a quarter of a mile. I still carry that angled scar on my right hand to this day over 70 years later. That young boy was me!  I've learned a great many lessons about being OBEDIENT and then FAILING to do so! The price for failure to OBEY is often painful. By all rights, I am amazed that I have survived to write this so many years later. To OBEY was NOT my strong suit!! It almost cost me my life on more than one occasion. God had a plan for me. In that plan, I have learned, growning more and more obsessive to OBEY the word of my Lord!

Remember in Luke 2:43 when young Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem to confer with the great minds in the Temple? His mom and Dad finally found him. heard his explanation [that neither of them understood] and a youthful Jesus continued to OBEY his parents --  And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and He continued in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart. [ Luk 2:51]

It was GOD's will that JESUS would be the vehicle by which a SINFUL and DISOBEDIENT Creation called MAN would be forever SAVED through the sheding of HIS blood --CRUCIFIED on CALVARY -- He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. [ 2Co 5:21]  Our task NOW is to OBEY. Obey by believing, OBEY by following HIS Commands, OBEY by remaining true to HIM as our SAVIOR, our GOD, OUR BROTHER, and head of our Church, HALELUJAH!!

Obedience to the will of God is mandatory. The will of the God is the supreme law. He is the Creator, as such He gets to make the rules. Humans have such a problem with authority! Often a terrible price is paid when we do not obey.

So is the Natural God made laws. An electric powered train was stopped in a small town in India. People be began to crawl on top of the train, many shouts were made to be careful of the 25,000 volt electric wire hovering above. One man laughed, stood up and grabbed the line. In less than a blink of the eye, the man exploded in flames and was no more.

In God's natural laws we quickly learn to obey things like GRAVITY--falling from a high place can quickly end a person's dreams. LAW OF MOTION-- when your car brakes fail to work just as the car heads down a mountain pass. Failure to adhere to the Laws/ Commands of God will certainly lead to a very dark and forever painful eternity. Being OBEDIENT will lead you to His Glory and eternal Life! As the song says "It all started in the Garden of Eden" Here we are thousands of years later and still struggling with Obedience! How well have you learned to Obey?

Pray with me; Father, please accept our pleading for Your mighty empowerment giving us the wisdom and boldness to OBEY Your Word in all that we do. We know right from wrong. Good from Evil. Empower us Holy Spirit guide our path, encourage us and direct us as we OBEY Your will for us. We also ask that our Leaders elected and soon facing selection in this Election also be convicted and empowered to OBEY Holy Scripture as they lead this Great Nation to walk in Your Light, In the Name of JESUS the CHRIST, AMEN.

And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation. [Heb 5:9]


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