God's children are not unlike beasts in a well fenced pasture. We all generally do well when there are clearly defined limits of where we should wander. When raising our kids, the parents role is to establish and guide them to the pasture in which the children can freely and safely roam--and they do well. If the fence line is compromised, or a portion fallen, or a gate inadvertently left open, a new set of values could very well influence the mass and then trouble or grave injury might ensue.

There are times when our FAITH, our so called fence line, is robust, strong, highly viable and we do well in our wanderings and our decisions. Our HERD mentality -- when faced with troubles or dangers -- can be quickly be overwhelmed --led astray and our FAITH misplaced because of all the noise, the shouting, the violent outbursts, or perceived threats. Do you see where I am headed?

Our President was hospitalized this week with the COVID-19 pestilence. The news shook the nation and the world. The ether was filled with millions and millions of prayers for Almighty God's deliverance and a hedge of protection for our leader. Prayer is so powerful! Prayer recharges the FAITH level, and clear sight returns.

This morning during devotions, Pastor Charles Spurgeon's words jumped off of the page as I read. Early voting has opened in many states, and the big day, November 3rd is a few short weeks away. Take a moment to read Spurgeon's timeless words and let its application -- through prayer -- be your GUIDE when you attend to casting your vitally important vote -- the vote of TRUTH:


The Leadership of Our Guide

Charles H. Spurgeon

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all Truth"   (John 16:13).

Truth is like a vast cavern into which we desire to enter, but we are not able to traverse it alone. At the entrance it is clear and bright; but if we would go further and explore its innermost recesses, we must have a guide, or we shall lose ourselves.

The Holy Spirit, who knows all truth perfectly, is the appointed guide of all true believers, and He conducts them as they are able to bear it, from one inner chamber to another, so that they behold the deep things of God, and His secret is made plain to them.

What a promise is this for the humbly inquiring mind! We desire to know the truth and to enter into it. We are conscious of our own aptness to err, and we feel the urgent need of a guide. We rejoice that the Holy Spirit is come and abides among us. He condescends to act as a guide to us, and we gladly accept His leadership. "All truth" we wish to learn, that we may not be one-sided and out of balance.

We would not be willingly ignorant of any part of revelation lest thereby we should miss blessing or incur sin. The Spirit of God has come that He may guide us into all truth: let us with obedient hearts hearken to His words and follow His lead. ~Charles H. Spurgeon 



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