In 30 days or so, many of you will go to the polls and make a number of choices, many of which will have a mighty influence on how America will proceed as the land of the free and the home of the brave. I am in my 70's. Many of you are my senior, some the same age, and more are my junior in age. The year 1967 ushered in new movement that now has overtaken our collective common sense.

Books began being published claiming that there were thousands of differing shades of gray between good and evil. Belief in the Bible and in God was moved eventually to last place in America's moral conscience. More books touted that everyone was a winner! Losing was no longer possible, and certainly losing was not fair. Books on this, books on that, but the most important book of all was consulted less and less as time went on and generations past away. 


Today nearly three quarters of earth's population have never looked inside the Holy Bible. Ever! In my youth I can't recall meeting many people who could not recall a proverb, psalm, or at least a Bible based expression that was found common in our everyday language. In elementary and Jr. High we used to start the school day with a prayer. Oh, and the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag!  One Nation...UNDER GOD!


This is a very important election. We are living in the last days. It ain't gonna get much better from here on out. The best we might expect is that the Lord will grant us a very short delay. He did as much with a place called Nineveh many years ago. [Jonah 3:4-11]

Look around. What do you see?    We read in Luke 12:52-53,  for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three.  "They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."  I say again, Look around. What do you see?

As God is my witness, I pray that you will use every biblical lesson you have ever learned in weighing your selections.  JESUS is binary.  He is either Holy or He is not. You either believe or you do not. Sin is sin.  Killing children in the womb is wrong.  Fornication is wrong.  Worshiping idols is wrong.  Stealing from your employer is wrong. 


Someone I know told me that the church should not comment on politics. The reason that politics have turned so ugly and evil is because the church was removed from its role as a beacon and guide for what the TRUTH looks like. I could not care less about somebody's political affiliation. I care DEEPLY about RIGHT and WRONG,  GOOD and EVIL.   I care even deeper about LOVE and TRUTH.   GOD Almighty sent me here and now to write and to  tell all of you to call His name.  Pray for guidance.  Make good choices based on His authority, He is the one who created YOU! 


Before you walk into the polling place, or complete your Absentee ballot, PRAY.  Ask The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to guide your hand in making the selections.  Vote for returning GOD to our schools, the public square, the family dining room, and to the empty heart who longs for righteousness and truth.  Then VOTE.



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