There comes a time when the Creator reaches a critical moment with His creation, knowing that he or she will never respond to or answer the call to salvation in Jesus. Deep inside me I know that God would be so pleased if everyone would come to Him, but understands that for many, the lust and pride keeps them imprisoned in Satan's slavedom.

Despite this reality in the present, He continues to keep the door ajar in the hope that before the person's very last earthly breath, they might call His name. There are many like this;  And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper..- Rom 1:28. Perhaps giving Satan full measure with these lost sheep might eventually bring them to see the horrible error they are making.

We see it in living color through the Devil's Picture Window that we call television. Violent images repeated over and over, day after day. It is no wonder that the world's pharmaceutical and alcohol businesses are thriving.

God has given them over to do those things that are not proper, people  being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips,  slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,  without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful. - Rom 1:29-31. Where does it end? For many, it will end with Judgment before the Almighty.

It is very easy to be judgmental towards those who have clearly lost their "compass heading" and are seemingly locked into an eternity of darkness, anguish and pain. Instead of being judgmental we should pray for all of them. Jesus the Christ will do the judging. He has equipped you and I to be mighty prayer warriors for the many who are lost.

It is true, I suppose, that many of God's creations will never abandon their sinful ways, no matter how much we pray. Its also a good thing that we do not know one-way or the other! Jesus knows who they are. Those who are borderline and just need some spiritual nudging that might open their eyes and soften their hearts. Jesus is the great intercessor. We can follow His lead and combine our prayer voices with many others, creating a harmonizing message to the ears of our Lord. God loves to hear these prayers. We all can be a part of something so very much greater than ourselves through the incredible power of Prayer.

Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, only You know the hearts and the condition of Your creation. Hear our pleading, O Lord, touch these lost souls, these wandering and troublesome sheep. Cause a tiny hole to be drilled into their Granite hard hearts through which Your pure and wondrous Light can leak in. Let this Light begin the process of softening these hardened hearts from the inside out. Let the heart beat again to the rhythm of Your will, and receive them, wash them, renew them to the Kingdom and eternity in joy. In the name of Jesus the Christ, AMEN.


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