Almighty Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, that great and wondrous TRINITY, Wrap your mighty cloak of mercy and stamina around everyone within the sound of my voice. Being shut up in this pandemic is not an easy nor pleasant task. Depression can quickly set in. Boredom is no friend of ours here. We ask Lord to Unleash the creative juices in our bodies, arm us with great patience with the promise that soon, we will see a gradual end to the sequestration, and be able to receive friends and family. We thank-you Lord for caring and guiding us to SHELTER AT HOME as the Israelites did during the PASSOVER, being protected from the pestilence by Your mighty arms. We look forward to the return of crystal blue skies and wispy clouds and the opportunity to receive visitors again. Thank-you Jesus for loving us! Hear our voices as we PRAISE YOU, AMEN

[HYMNS: Amazing Grace / All Hail the Power of Jesus]
Do you know that each one of you is so special in the heart of our Lord. He knows the exact number of hairs on your head, He is aware of every thought and every fear or concern. That is part of the Lord's message today, that He loves you and is a jealous and protective Father over His children, His Church, His future Bride.


You and I are no longer "SPRING CHICKENS" , although moments come upon me where I think that I still can climb trees and stack ladders on trash cans expecting to survive the fall. (Its a man thing!) Mat 18:3-4  [Jesus says] "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  (4)  "Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

By the Gift of Grace, our Lord offers to each of His creation salvation from sins, and victory over death.  ... "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART"—that is, the word of FAITHwhich we are preaching,  that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; Rom 10:8-9

FAITH Faith is the first word in our study this day. It seems the older we get, the smarter we are, the less FAITH we lean on. Conversely, the younger we are the more apt it is that we easily embrace FAITH. A child's deep belief easily embraces that which cannot be seen. FAITH is that Godly characteristic that empowers us to believe deeply in that which we cannot see or touch while in this fleshly tent. GOD plants the seeds of FAITH in us but it is up to us to feed and water it.   And [JESUS] said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Luk 7:50 We are to be good stewards of His gift of FAITH by doing our part! Be a kid again in your FAITH.

PRAYER This gift is our immediate spiritual cellular and internet connection to Almighty JESUS in His kingdom. The carrier for this celestial service is the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit makes the connection and properly packages our pleadings, making them presentable to our Lord. Prayer is our moment by moment, day by day, direct connection for advice, guidance, truth, love and rescue. More importantly, PRAYER becomes our source of divine companionship and Brotherly, Fatherly Love and support.   Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Php 4:6 The Lord LOVES to hear your voice at any hour at any time. Talk with Him. Pray as a child would to his or her father. Be a kid again.

HOPE When we combine FAITH with sincere PRAYER we instantly receive His gift of HOPE. Empathetic pain and distress comes over me when I hear that someone has given up all hope. Know this please, that as long as GOD exists, HOPE never expires.   Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Rom 5:5 The GREAT TRINITY, Father, Son, Holy Spirit has ALWAYS been. There has never been a time in which THEY were not. HOPE is a big deal and with JESUS, HOPE IS ALIVE and waiting to be tapped. HOPE is Eternal. Hope is ALWAYS a gift of the Child in us. Be a kid again!

PATIENCE Of all the things that we have thus far covered, FAITH, PRAYER, HOPE, things that are uplifting and positive, NOW COMES THE DOWNER, PATIENCE!!! I can sense the shock because Patience is not a strong suit for just about everyone. Patience has a relative named DISCIPLINE. Another relative, perhaps a cousin is personal RESPONSIBILITY. These are connected and required words that many of us just don't care for.  It is with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, Eph 4:2 It is through the exercise of PATIENCE that our continuing prayers are effective. Our LORD does not wear a wrist-watch. He answers prayer on His time-line. We are the ones tied to the cruelty of the ever ticking second hand of the clock, GOD is ETERNAL where only TODAY exists. In Eternity, it is ALWAYS TODAY. This very moment! In this moment, BE A KID AGAIN but WITH PATIENCE!

Oh Mighty Creator, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, hear our pleadings as we forge ahead in isolation. Help us to increase our FAITH, and PRAY with conviction and passion, to fill us with HOPE as You continue to protect us from this pestilence. Grant us the strength to be ever so PATIENT and perhaps unleash that special quality, long dormant in us, to come to You as a child, Your child O Lord, Through Christ Jesus, AMEN

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