Sunday morning, just as the sky was greeting the faint glow of the sunrise, Mary Magdalene stood at the tomb of Jesus. It was empty. The guards that had been posted were scared out of their minds over what they had just witnessed! Mary heard a voice behind her, and not recognizing him, Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking? Supposing him to be the Gardner, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Jesus then said to her,...MARY!{Jon 20:15-16} In that very instant, her spiritual blinders were removed and the full recognition and realization of what Jesus had been teaching suddenly made sense. In the days ahead the whole world would likewise know the truth of His resurrection and God's promised Salvation.

For many of you, this may be the very first time that Easter is being celebrated without an in-person church service. Be assured that this is a first for all of us suddenly battling a global pandemic and having restricted movement of people in nearly 180 countries. Here in our Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Homes, rehab Centers and Hospice EVERYONE, Residents, Techs or Aides, Admin, Kitchen, Maintenance, Activities, Nursing, Leadership, are all serving as STRONG THREADS in these great communities. Jesus said, “YOU SHALL ALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND ALL YOUR SOUL, AND ALL YOUR MIND! And YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF”. {Mat 22:37-39} This PESTILIENCE has arranged for us the opportunity to practice exactly that! Neighbor helping and loving each other and in doing so in the LOVE that GOD has given each of us.

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, we are a community of Godly people and today we celebrate the beginning of the New Covenant consecrated in the Holy Blood of You only begotten Son, The Christ. On this EASTER, fill us with your divine strength and give us wisdom, courage, stamina, energy, creativity, patience and most of all---Fill us with Your precious LOVE. These dark clouds will soon depart and the sunshine will return. We all mourn the many losses of life from this bug, and hail the recoveries, giving THANKSGIVING to the majority who were “Past-Over” by this plague and scourge all around the globe. We are like individual puzzle pieces that all must fit together creating the fullness and the strength needed to overcome through YOUR mighty grace and in YOUR Tender Mercy. In the name of all names, JESUS our Savior, Blessed EASTER, Blessed Resurrection, AMEN


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