Before I begin this rant, please join me in a prayer to our Lord, our Creator eternal in the heavens;

O God we come before Your mighty throne through prayer pleading with You for mercy and strength and courage, and peace, and stamina for all those who suffer or fear the suffering of the virus that may or may not be a part of the lives for those for whom we pray. There are so many sources of conflicting noise, so many moving parts to this global emergency brought on by this pestilence, unseen by the naked eye, but feared by some more than fear itself.

Let us find solace in scripture, strength in FAITH, boldness in knowing that You have Your children safely in the palm of Your mighty hand. Not one of us, not a single solitary soul will slip through Your grasp. Eternity is already here for us, our address in the kingdom is has been written. Through Your blessed love, Lord, strengthen our FAITH, faith fueled by the unending and ever power of Your love and grace, Amen and AMEN.

It is a noisy world that we sojourn through. One seems to get used to the distractions over time. It is not until silence comes that we suddenly become aware of just how noisy the world truly is. Elijah even succumed to the noise as death was revealed all around him. He escaped into the silence of a distant cave and just above the sound of his own breath came a whisper; When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" { 1Ki 19:13} In the SILENCE came the small quiet voice of God. It was true and effective for Elijah, it is true and effective for you too!

In the soft twilight of the morning, just as my eyes are preparing to open, and I am wiggling my toes in bed, I whisper Good morning O Lord God, Praise You Father, Praise You Jesus, Praise You Holy Spirit....I take a breath then declare, "The Lord Rebuke you Satan, The Lord Rebuke you! (This helps me get a leg up on the devil even before my feet hit the floor!)

This is my quiet time with my maker. It is in this SILENT setting that devotions begin, and my Lord's revealing causes my heart to race with joy. Such joy as a child opening a present from his father. The Father always knowing exactly what gift the child would need. If it were not for the silence, this precious moment would be missed.

There was a time that I just had to know what had been going on in the world overnight as I slept. That is no longer a worry or concern for me. My trust and faith is in He who created me. He runs my schedule, my day, my life. The world finds its own troubles without my help. Every morning I ask, Lord, I look forward to whatever You have planned for me this day. It really helps keep my calendar uncluttered!

This Covid-19 Virus will run its course. It will accomplish what the Lord has intended, His will be done. Those who have accepted Jesus into their hearts and given themselves to Him are safely tucked under His wings. Those who have not received the salvation of the blood of Christ might want to use this period of relative silence to ponder their eternity. Will it be joy or anguish. It is your choice you know. Use the silence. Listen for that small quiet voice. Pray.

"Lord Jesus, for years there has been a hole in my life. A feeling that there is somthing very important that I have been missing. Even though I don't know you now, Jesus, I truly want to know you. I am asking you to come into me right now, this very minute, right here where I am and SAVE ME PLEASE! I know that I am a sinner and have done many sinful things but I need you now, this minute, please fill me with YOU! SAVE ME, FORGIVE ME, AMEN."

If you prayed this prayer with sincerity, email me, or click on OUR FAVORITE LINKS tab. Establish an immediate relationship with a local church. It is so important for a new believer to have a Prayer Warrior partner to help you TO TURN DOWN THE NOISE and lend a hand as you learn to walk in the LIGHT. The LIGHT of the Lord Jesus the Christ, AMEN.


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