This past week has been like a non-stop rodeo. One day the cowboy is making it all the way to the buzzer, then the next, the bull rules! This is a GLOBAL event. There are very few places on the earth that has not been introduced to this bug.

As the graphic above shows, this virus is attractive to the eye. It looks so dainty, so harmless, rather pretty. [kinda like satan] It's strange beauty belighes the horror being brought to mankind. The fact that we cannot see this varmint with the naked eye makes the threat even greater. How do you counter an enemy which you cannot see? FAITH!

Lets pray; Mighty Father, God of creation, we thank you for hearing our pleading, receiving our voices. We know that You are speaking to the world through this pandemic. What a powerful message to witness as such a tiny, unseen almost beautiful virus, a pestilence, is bringing the nations of the globe to their knees. To us, Your children, to Your elect, the message is perfectly clear; the time is near, Jesus spoke to His disciples of the signs of the end of the age:
"You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.  "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.  "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.  "Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. {Mat 24:6-9} 
This Pestilence, CV-19 certianly fits into the messaging from on high, O Lord, and for the children of the Light, it's time to LOOK UPWARDS, IN FAITH, IN THE SPIRIT that dwells in us. Help and empower us O God, to give our testimonies to as many as will hear us. Grant us the courage and stamina to SHARE the GOSPEL of JESUS in our own words, telling the story of our SALVATION through GRACE by Your Word. Open our eyes to see that a whole NEW crop of softened hearts are ready to be harvested and grant us the strength to be mighty workers in Your fertile fields, AMEN and AMEN!

Your communities have been closed to those outside. I miss so very much not being able to see you face to face. I understand, as you do, that all of us must do our part and do so in FAITH and without grumbling, or complaining, or whining having full knowledge that LORD, IS CERTAINLY IN CHARGE!

WE are a people of believers, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Our futures are already written into the foundation of eternity. Fear not. Follow the guidance from those appointed over us, our local health officials, state, federal; We are Your children, O God, Obey your leaders and submit to them.....Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you. {Heb 13:17} Wash our hands, maintain social distances, stay at home for a while longer.

The most powerful weapon against this pestilence is PRAYER. Prayer is the 9-1-1 of the Kingdom of God. Always available, always functioning, needs no batteries and is powered by the Holy Spirit.

Pray when you wake, pray wile you conduct your daily life. Talk to Your maker, involve Him in everything you do. Ask questions, listen quietly for His whispered response. Read His word in your Bible. Pray throughout the day. Pray at night and before closing your eyes in rest.

Tell Him your fears, concerns, PRAISE HIM always, hide nothing, express everything. Let Him run your schedule. Always ask Him what HE thinks. Be thankful that the solutions to this present crisis is in His hands, and it is through us all that His will is done.

When you were yet to be formed in your mother's womb, at the very moment God began to knit your tiny bones together, and your tiny heart began to beat the Lord pre-loaded you with your character, personality, talents, hair color, facial features, all the things that make you specific and unique, one of a kind.

God gave those gifts to you knowing that one day, at His calling, you would use those precious attributes to bring Him glory, to be His hands, His Voice, His ambassador here on the earth. Fear not, dear believer, pray. The answer awaits. Look to Him. TRUST in Him. Until we meet again, may Jesus bless you, and keep you, and guide you in His unending love and majesty. Amen.


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