WORLD EVENTS -- Focusing on what is really important!

Several years ago in a discussion with a dear friend and pastor Brian Oakes, the idea of Satan developing a keen understanding of the instant benefits of reliable 4G LTE cell service became a fascinating and compelling topic. There was a sudden silence as we came to the realization that what we had found fascinating was, in reality, here! Right now! Not only has the Devil a keen understanding but has also quickly mastered the concept of "Point and Click".

Now, if you are 70 years old or above, you might recall the days of the Party line or Rotary Dial Telephone. I remember as a child our very first telephone. The phone number was 21. Two digits. It was a very small town. Portable or mobile telephones did not exist when I was young. In many respects I am glad they did not exist even in my teen years! There was something unique about hand writing a letter to that special girl, mailing it only to wait three or more agonizing days for a reply. Satan, by the way, was very active back then just like today. More of his sweat-equity was involved in the old days!

World War II had just ended when I came into this world. Wars to follow included Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We as Americans stood together. We did not always agree on all things, but if you messed with one American, you messed with all of us. God was in schools, around dinner tables, in High School Year Books, in human hearts. Sadly, those days seem to be waning. Perhaps gone forever. Somewhere around 1970, a division began to set in around this country. Around this globe. It was subtle but persistent. Demanding but not outlandish. Or so we thought! Faith in God was first to be questioned and subdued. What ever name this movement was called, it steadily eroded trust, honesty, unity. As time progressed, it became all about me! Stark individualism. HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME??

I'm going to cut to the chase here or this missive might go on for hours. Those of us who are well seasoned in years have lived in the days before a single hateful word could travel around the globe in a millisecond and enrage a million people to violence. Today's technology, as awesome and wonderful it's original plan, is no longer a tool for mankind. Mankind is now it's tool! Hatred is now instantaneous. AS it is thought in the mind, it spreads in the blink of an eye.

We are under attack constantly by a barrage of InstaGrams, Facebook alerts, Twitter things. News is now only a one sentence headline of OPINION. Facts be damned! {facts demand more --Who, What, Where, When, Why & How? }

Do you own a smart phone? The reality is that your smart phone owns YOU! Even for those who wear the full armor of God and are strong prayer warriors, the technological temptations are huge and weighty. It is imperative, beloved, to stay strong and focused on Jesus because the days are quickly approaching and the evidence is clear and present the end times are here!

Huge Biblical sized locust swarms are growing TODAY in Africa, beginning to invade India, Iran, Pakistan, breeding quickly as they destroy everything in their path. The Global impact of the Corona Virus and the unknowns we face. {Pestilence} It is a time of warning. A time to double check your belt-line to be sure you are properly clothed in the Spirit and love of our creator.

Let me close with this scripture of God's promise and warning that God delivered to Solomon in a dream;

2Ch 7:13-14  "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people,  (14)  and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Stay strong in your faith. Stay strong in scripture. You who are saved are a child of God. Jesus bought you with the price of His blood on that Old Rugged Cross. Stay strong in your prayers. Share your testimony with everyone you meet. Have no fear, He has you!


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