Michael Snyder on the HOARY HAIRS OF AGE

Old age ought to be the most beautiful season of our life, combining all the valuable elements of our past. Old age is venerable. 

God Himself is called the Ancient of Days, and He commanded the children of Israel to show reverence to the old, to rise before the hoary head, and to honor the face of the old man. "Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and fear God: I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:32.  

Now the character is matured. The results of our experience, of our thought and information, have been winnowed, and have formed themselves into a condensed treasury of terse and lucid wisdom. Old age is venerable, because it reminds us of eternity. 

Childhood and youth, and even manhood, remind us of the rapid flight of Time. In them we look forward to the quiet years of our old age. But when old age has actually come, we look forward to eternity. 

Soon will the aged man be ushered into the eternal world, and be initiated into its mysteries. In youth and manhood there is also constant change and activity. The quiet and calmness of old age brings before us the everlasting, unchanging Present. 

Scripture does not conceal the infirmities and troubles of old age. Its gloomy aspects are brought before us with graphic power in the last chapter of Ecclesiastes. Scripture does not deny that in one view we say of our last years, "I have no pleasure in them."  But how full and glorious is Scripture's description of the perennial youth, peace, strength, and joy of God's children!  

In the very psalm which describes man as a frail flower of the field, David praises the Lord, who renews our youth as the eagle. God is the God of the aged. Even to old age, to hoar hairs, will I carry you; I will bear; I will deliver you. Isaiah 46:4. 

We are also told, "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon." Psalm 92:12. The apostle Paul confesses that our old man perishes visibly and daily; but he adds, the inner man is renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16. 

So then, for the inner man there is no old age, no decay, no downward descent. Lift up the head, for your redemption is neigh old man, and be glad. 

~Adolph Saphir From : Our life-day.


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