Pray in the Spirit

My dear friend and brother in Christ, Michael Snyder shared a wonderful nugget of learning to a small band of believers this morning. Michael scours the globe for just the right meaningful and targeted message and offers his discoveries to us each day. Michael does not just love Jesus, our Lord, Michael is IN LOVE with Christ. The Holy Spirit operates through Mike and close attention is paid to where the Spirit leads. This is the topic that Michael shared this day. The THIRD co-equal manifestation of the Great Triune; The Holy Spirit:

Nobody can worship without the Holy Ghost. God is Spirit; the Holy Spirit is the only one properly to lead the heart to worship God acceptably. The fallen human mind does not know how to worship God acceptability, so the Holy Spirit takes the fallen human mind, points it up, corrects it, purges it, aims it and directs it so that it is worshiping God.

That is why it is so vastly and vitally important that we should know the Holy Spirit. I have often felt like getting on my knees and apologizing to the Holy Spirit for the way the Church has treated Him. We have treated Him shoddily. We have treated Him in such a manner that if you were to treat a guest that way, the guest would slip away grief stricken and never return. We have treated the Holy Spirit wretchedly.

He is God Himself, the link binding the Father and the Son, and is the substance uncreated, which is deity. Yet the Holy Spirit is typically ignored in the average church, even in the average gospel church.

In the book of Romans (8:26), you will find that only the Holy Spirit knows how to pray. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints, according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26,27.

In our prayers, there will be mutterings and repetition until the Holy Spirit takes them, purges them, cleanses them and makes them acceptable to God through Jesus Christ our Mediator. Therefore, it is impossible to pray without the Spirit. The most powerful prayers are prayed in the Spirit, and we cannot worship without the Holy Spirit. Either we ignore Him or we exploit Him for our personal pleasure and entertainment.

I think it is time we rethink this whole matter of the place of the Holy Spirit in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should rethink it in the light of the Scriptures, because without the Holy Spirit, we are as Israel when she continued worshiping God after the fire left the holy place and there was no Shekinah, no glory, no fire, no light and no Presence there.

Yet Israel continued to worship vainly and futilely. Pitifully, she continued to worship, forgetting that the Spirit of worship had left her long ago. Spirituality is one of the ingredients of worship, and without it, I cannot worship God in a way that is acceptable to Him, no matter how much I worship. If it is not acceptable worship, then it is vain worship and better not attempted.

So pray with SINCERITY, HONESTY and SIMPLICITY FROM THE HEART. A.W. Tozer From: The Purpose Of Man.

Thank-you Brother Michael for sharing and teaching, and being an active living vessel for our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.



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