Among animals, God so created them that the nose becomes as important in providing information, perhaps more so than hearing or sight. Smells to a dog, a cat, or a black bear paint a multicolored portrait of their surroundings. The nostrils are powerful to survival in knowing WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY and sometimes HOW. Years ago, good and professional news reporters had a NOSE for these things. Alas, no more!

Humans are not as gifted by our Lord in the sniffing department. The nose for us functions as an early warning detector of dangers; gas leak, hot or burning wires, a full diaper or gingivitis. [Bad Breath]

One useful function of smell for humans is physical compatibility. Seriously! Although we rarely realize this important function of smell, complementary scents of couples attract. Dissimilar odors often result in rejection. Human mothers, blindfolded, can pick out the scents of their infants 9 out of ten times.

God has an amazing and powerful sense of smell; in 2Co 2:15,16, For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one, an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life...

Those facing eternal death carry the stench with them and no amount of Old Spice or Evening in Paris can mask its message. Conversely, the savor of life is fresh, sweet, subtle, as the fragrant rainbow that follows the storm. We humans can detect this aroma. It is the smell of life, the scent of Jesus.

Eagles are capable of seeing a small car-fob sized mouse in a field of grass from an altitude of 5,000 feet. I can barley identify my own car in the Walmart parking lot, and that is with glasses! God can see directly into our hearts. He sees the changes made in us by Christ. No longer repulsed by the vulgarity of sin ever present in the sin filled body. When He looks upon those saved, Christ is what He sees.

Our Lord not only smells Christ in us, He sees His Son through the Holy Spirit that filled us when at that special moment, we believed. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. [ 1Co 13:12]

I look forward to that wonderful, but fearful and reverent moment when my eyes see the Almighty Creator as He is, in His very presence as I bow and worship and serve Him for eternity. Praise You Father, Praise You Jesus, Praise You Holy Spirit, AMEN



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