Did you step out last night, January 20th, 2019, and gaze at the so called "Wolf Super Blood Moon"? My Linda and I did. So did our neighbor and fellow believer John and his family. Under crystal clear skies and bitterly cold air we braved the shivers in order to glimpse at a brilliant pure white moon seemingly being devoured by an unseen force reducing it's brilliance to a unimpressive dark rust colored orb hanging helpless in the star-filled expanse of heaven. Did I mention that it was really cold?

The icy air probably kept many folks huddled in the warmth of their houses; watching TV. Perhaps they thought it might be shown on the news. Alas, it is only an eclipse. We had several over the past few years. Tonight we channel surf!

What I expected and what I witnessed were far apart. The promotions for this "Spectacular" and extremely "RARE" event caused me to envision a scene like the blood moon that hung over Jerusalem not long ago. Or, as seen in Greece recently. We, in the USA, were not positioned to view those history making moons. Too far North, or much of the country skies being cloud decked. Blood Moons that become visible near the horizon always look so much more impressive and large. The earth's atmosphere acting like a magnifying glass.

John and his kids were wrapped up in heavy blankets laying under the canopy of heaven in their yard across the street. Snug as bugs in a rug, as my dad used to say. I elected to stand and end up getting a crick in my neck staring at God's messaging system for His creatures who inhabit this Third Rock from the Sun. There it was. Directly overhead. Crimson red, rusty, like dried blood. An overwhelming sense of awe filled my whole being.

The Spirit that filled me came not from the visual grandeur, instead, great reverence that in His "quiet voice" that He used to instruct Elijah at the mouth of the cave; When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" { 1Ki 19:13}

This darkened Orb, nested against the universe as a backdrop, seemed small. It commanded no immediate attention. It was not as Hollywood might portray it. Directly overhead. Unassuming. Hardly noticeable unless you knew to look.

My imagination went to reading of the blood moon in scripture, Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12. I recalled studying in seminary about the blood moon influence in heralding significant milestones involving Israel. The number seven is common, as are multiples, seven sevens, seventy and so on. Consider the following;

The period between the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC to the completion of the second temple was 70 years.

From the start of the first Jewish revolt against the Romans in 66 AD [which included the destruction of the second temple in 70 AD] to the end of the third revolt was 70 years.

From the first Jewish purchase of land in Palestine in 1878 to the establishment of modern Israel in 1948 was 70 years.

Now we come to last night and the "Wolf Super Blood Moon", it occurred 70 years from the establishment of the the Jewish homeland and this included President Trump's proclamation recognizing that Jerusalem is the rightful capitol of Israel, and moving the U.S. Embassy to reflect and honor that agreement made many years ago but ignored by past presidents. The Biblical prophesy recorded in Jeremiah 16: 14-16 has been fulfilled. The Blood Moon signaled all of these events.

As I gazed up at God's message board in the sky, my mouth opened and I praised the Father, I praised the Son, and I praised the Holy Spirit for having granted me the great privilege, the blessing to be filled with the breath of life and witness His majesty, His promise, His power and His love, His quiet voice from the heavens.

The Almighty Creator spoke last night. Quietly, unassumingly, to those who will hear saying, " Yes, I am coming quickly" {Rev 22:20}



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