During the course of our walk with and progress as we serve our Lord,
a very common question often pops up. What am I supposed to do? Another inquiry often heard is; How do I do what ever it is that I am supposed to do?

Most preachers and teachers are very good at the expository practice of squeezing every delicious drop of theological juice out of a single verse or word in the Bible. You know what I mean. I know a wonderful man of GOD who can spend a month of Sundays "UNPACKING" what the meaning of the word "IS" is. Really!

Other Evangelists can be witnessed pontificating picture perfectly in a preponderance of expressions using platitudes at latitudes where the air is thin and I leave the sermon gasping for oxygen, questioning my own ability to understand even the simplest allegory expressed from the pulpit.

The brother sitting next to me kept sighing, "Oh how deep and rich are his words" (referring to the Preacher). I then asked him to explain to me what the preacher had just preached. It was a deer in the headlights moment! A good many theological truths were expressed, some serious doctrinal parameters delivered, and not a single one of them stuck in the brain box. But for two hours, it sure sounded good!

This old gray headed former Army ground pounder loves to learn. Teach me what it is I need to know. Show me how to do it. Use the K.I.S.S. method, Keep It Simple Saint! Show me. Reach me. Teach me.

Serving Jesus does not have to be complicated. It does have to be sincere. Serving Jesus is hard. He never promised it would be otherwise. Although hard, it is never, ever, impossible. God will never give up. You shouldn't either.

Step ONE: Be Available. Every single morning before your feet hit the floor, greet Jesus, tell Him you love Him. Say it out loud. Make a promise, a commitment that you will be available for His purposes this day, no matter where you go, no matter what you will be doing. Stick to that promise through out the day. Constantly repeat that promise to yourself and to Him all day long. Make it a daily promise. Everyday!

Be real. Be yourself. You were born with God given talents, characteristics, personality and abilities that are specific to you. Use these gifts to bring glory to God, to Jesus our King. Look for, search out opportunities to meekly, but boldly say His name JESUS to others. Be constantly ready to share the blessings of God to others. Don't be a chatter box, or be obnoxious.

We are generally the quietest persons in the room. We smile a lot! (that drives Satan crazy) Be available for the Lord to use YOU to do His bidding. Often, you will not even know it when it happens, when He does His work through you. I assure you, if you are available, He will.

Step TWO: SHOW UP. Drag out your Bible and turn to Ephesians Chapter 6, Verses 10-20. Armor UP, Show UP, Be ALWAYS at the ready.

Don't stand around with your spiritual hands in your pockets. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, be ready to tell others about your own personal experiences regarding the Glory of Almighty God's blessings that He has bestowed upon you. Watch how the Holy Spirit will send folks to you. Causing them to cross your path. When you share your own testimony with others, letting it flow from your heart, that is God working through you. The JOY you will receive when you are available, when you show up, and HE uses you, is beyond any description I can give here.

Keep it Simple Saint. SHOW UP, BE AVAILABLE!

I now send you, to open their eyes, that they may receive forgiveness of sins.... {cf Acts 26:17-18}



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