No Stranger in Heaven

You guide me by your wise advice, and then you will lead me to a position of honor. — Ps 73:24

From day to day and from year to year my faith believes in the wisdom and love of God, and I know that I shall not believe in vain. No good word of His has ever failed, and I am sure that none shall ever fall to the ground.

I put myself into His hand for guidance. I know not the way that I should choose: the Lord shall choose mine inheritance for me. I need counsel and advice; for my duties are intricate, and my condition is involved. I seek to the Lord, as the High Priest of old looked to his Urim and Thummim. The counsel of the infallible God I seek in preference to my own judgment or the advice of friends. Glorious Jehovah, Thou shalt guide me!

Soon the end will come: a few more years and I must depart out of this world unto the Father. My Lord will be near my bed. He will meet me at heaven’s gate: He will welcome me to the gloryland. I shall not be a stranger in heaven: my own God and Father will receive me to its endless bliss.

Glory be to Him who
Will guide me here,
And receive me hereafter. Amen. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

As this year closes and dissolves into another, realize how very temporary we all are here on this earth. There is only today, right now, this very minute. There is no promise whatsoever that we will see tomorrow. No agreement that we will share the next few seconds. With every blink, and every breath, and with each heartbeat the actions all travel in an instant from the present to the past. From the here and now each blessing becomes a memory, adding to the stack of history those things that are no more. There are those whom we have loved deeply, gone from our vision, but ever present in our minds as glowing embers in that special God built archive called the heart. There they will stay until that moment that we join them. Where will you be when the trumpet sounds for you? Are you ready? There is only today....tomorrow is promised to no one.

Joh 11:33-35 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and was troubled, (34) and said, "Where have you laid him?" They *said to Him, "Lord, come and see." (35) .....Jesus wept.




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