Psa 91:14 "Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.

                                     MEMORIAL DAY

The photo above may well be disturbing but necessary to show with clarity what Memorial Day represents.

So often we see only the flags, the festive, the solemn ceremonies isolated from the horror of service. The graphic end result of one man or woman placing themselves in harms way in service for you, a citizen of the United States of America.

Two people in history freely agreed to give their lives for you when they were called upon. The first was Jesus Christ, who was called by Almighty God to die in your place that you might live. The other is the brave Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine.

In my 23-years of service wearing the uniform of the United States Army, many dear brothers-in-arms went to their final rest. God allowed me to be direct witness to a few, and on the perimeter with others. Each of them were true, loyal, honest, hard charging professionals doing what they all were trained to do. Defend with their lives, this great nation. They each were warriors. Fathers, sons, brothers, friends, servants.

Here is the list of my heros, my fellow active duty members, who, while in the performance or result of their service to each of you, they were taken home to eternity.

Senior Airman Mike Sutton, Specialist Four Bruce Scott, CSM John West, LTC Eric Jowers, SMSG Emory Frank Mortensen, SGM Larry Law, LTC Fred Odom, Air Force Sgt Bob Mathis, Army Air Corps Sgt Vincent "Bud" Miller, Army Master Sgt Bill Boyd, Navy SeaBee Dennis Lorance, Navy Chief Ron Hester, Air Force Sgt Michael Webster, Army Sgt Michael Stackpoole, Air Force Lt. Deeann Ray, Army Sgm Clay Lacey, Army SSG Jason Darnell, LTC Arthur Jones, LTC Harold Roeder.

May God continue for all eternity to bless and keep them in HIS presence, AMEN.



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