Yesterday, a very nice woman came up to me in a public hallway and asked me "is it possible for someone who commits suicide to go to heaven?". Taken aback for a moment, I stammered, "well, I think it depends." Then I saw the tears in her eyes. "I just need to know, that's all, is it possible?", she pleaded. "yes, I replied, I believe that it is possible, but Biblically, there are some if's to be considered".

Jas 5:11 We count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord's dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.

"Those who endured" That word, endured departs the lips of the speaker so easily, often unaware that to the ears of he or she who resides in that very dark place the word makes no sense. Sometimes even in a strong relationship with Jesus, we are tempted to give up. The human in us is so frail. The sheep analogy that Jesus uses is very appropriate. Moses thought about giving up. Jonah did too. Even Elijah asked God to just let him die. Sometimes the weight we carry is so oppressive, seemingly impossible that suicide comes to mind. I know. I have been there.

We are all so very blessed that our God, our Lord is so forgiving. This forgiveness that seems to have no end is a product of His love for us. We are His creation, and the depth of His love is beyond our human comprehension. We must believe.

I have counted seven Biblical characters who fit a general description of having committed suicide. Also included is my best exegetical opinion in support of heaven bound or not. Only God knows for certain, but He also shares bits and pieces of hopeful clues in scripture that may shed light on the question "is it possible for someone who commits suicide to go to heaven?".

1. In Judges 9:53-54, Abimelech, who was clearly on the wrong side of God got his skull crushed when a woman dropped a mill stone on his head from a high wall. Lying in a pool of blood, dying, Abimelech, out of pride, ordered his armor bearer to finish him off so that it could not be said that a woman was his victor. (pride) OPINION: Abimelech will not be raised up in the rapture, he will likely be raised in the final judgment. No heaven.

2. Judges 16:30, Samson was the Lord's anointed from birth and in adulthood, he was a very rough character. As a Nazirite, a razor could never be brought on his head. Samson, beguiled by a beautiful woman, placed himself in a position that clearly was not pleasing to God. His suicidal act did, however, bring about just desserts for many of those who were a part of gouging out his eyes ending his judgeship. OPINION: We will see Samson when we are raptured with Jesus. Yes and into Heaven.

3. King Saul and his armor bearer, 1 Sam 31:4-5, Saul was the very first King anointed by God for that specific purpose. Although he suffered great impatience and was found in an unfavorable light by God, and had an evil spirit given him by the Lord as a result, God has great forgiveness for those who know Him and have served Him and have even sinned against Him. Certainly David was respectful of Saul's holy anointing. OPINION: Rapture. Heaven. The armor bearer--Not sure.

5-7, Ahithophel ; 2 Sam 17:23, Zimri in 1 Kings 16:18, and lastly, Judas Escariot, Mat 27:5, in my OPINION will appear in the Great Judgment and not in the rapture. The significance of the Great Judgment is that heaven will not be an option on that day for those appearing from the graves.

To the mother who asked the question "is it possible for someone who commits suicide to go to heaven?". Yes. The Bible leads me in that direction. But mom, there are some painful and perhaps difficult truths we must bring to your attention:

Each of those who MAY have taken their own lives, directly or by fiat, having an expectation of heaven had a strong anointing or direct personal relationship with God. Since Jesus Christ delivered all of us, who believe on Him, through His death on the cross at Calvary, there is but a single door through which we MUST pass through in order to see heaven. That only door is Jesus. If the person who takes their own life, committing murder of self, and has no personal relationship, (Salvation in Christ), heaven is very, very unlikely.

The truth is often very painful. But truth is the only way we can fully know our Lord and understand His blessings. I would rather speak the truth and risk breaking a mother's heart, than to soften the word and have her find out later its untruth when it is too late to make a difference.

Possible, Yes. But I submit, extremely rare.  I am so very glad that when I was in that deep dark place, I decided to not take a chance on missing heaven.  I am sharing this as a result. The answer comes not in suicide but only through Jesus Christ. Suicide is NEVER the answer. Suicide is man's own intervention. With Jesus, all things are possible. Lean on and trust the Savior, don't give up!

Joh 17:22-26 "The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; (23) I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. (24) "Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. (25) "O righteous Father, although the world has not known You, yet I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me; (26) and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."



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