Being Read Like A Book

Yes, brother, let me benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ. (Phm 1:20)

[Father, we seldom see the You in us in the way others do. When we give ourselves to you completely, we pray that what others see is not us, they see You, Amen. ]

I offer that it is a good thing that when the Holy Light of Christ Jesus shines forth from us, that we often have no immediate knowledge of the occurrence. If we did know, it might lead to the temptation of pride. Pride kills.

I often pray that our Lord will grant me with wisdom and discernment, and to be taught to walk as Jesus would walk, hear as Jesus would hear, see as Jesus would see, feel as Jesus would feel, and touch as Jesus would touch.

Just knowing that the Holy Spirit lives inside me releases so much peace. A gentle confidence, a quiet strength. My body and mind is energized the whole of the day. I see the beauty and majesty of the hand of God in every direction. In the Gulf breezes, I can almost smell His breath! God's love for us is intoxicating in that all you think about is pleasing Him, being a vessel, a tool by which His will is done. I am so much in love with my Lord!

As you move about in the course of your daily affairs, every contact, every meeting, every crossing of paths opens the opportunity that the Light of our Lord and His spirit that resides in us will shine arc-light bright in the eyes of someone who is blind but wishes to see. Is lost, and longs to be found.

For many, the only Bible they will ever you! Let His Light shine forth!

[Mighty Lord, thank-you for this time to share. Let each of us discipline our bodies to be living vessels to be filled to the brim with your rich love and mighty Light. Let those who are thirsty reach out, and let us be always ready to share the reason for our salvation, let us be cleaned of the fleshly ways and share the way to eternal life, In Christ's Name, Amen. ]

Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. (2Ti 2:21)



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