(Gen 4:1) Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, "I have gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD."

Thus the FIRST MOTHER excitedly exclaims as she gazes upon her child. The first ever child born of the God ordained union of one man and one woman. The first birth of the womb. First born of man.

I recall as it were yesterday.... laying my eyes on my First Born. My son. The exhaustion in his mothers eyes quickly overcome by the joy in her heart.
Only God can do this amazing thing.

(Psa 139:14) I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.

This week I saw the face of another young man, a Godly man, whose countenance was overwhelmed in awe at the very majesty of the Lord's power of creation; drained emotionally and overflowing spiritually as he held his first born son, this newborn of God's creation in his arms. His beautiful young bride physically spent but somehow renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is filled with these wondrous miracles. Miracles, they truly are. David and Bathsheba gazing at newborn Solomon; Zacharia finally being able to speak when Elizabeth delivered John, who would become the herald for the coming of another newborn, Jesus, the Christ Child, Amen. Joseph and Mary were in awe.

For today's newborn parents, reality returns home quickly. Usually somewhere around the fourth or fifth diaper change, the question arises, “How can something so cute and tiny and so sweet smell so very bad!!”. Likewise, parents will soon realize that you really can go without sleep for days on end and not die!
Parents in the Bible shared all of these experiences and Pampers were not yet invented.

Remember the song, Turn Around? One day they are tiny, the next day they are grown. Before you can blink, they are welcoming a newborn of their own.

(Gen 17:4) "As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, And you will be the father of a multitude of nations. Abraham had no concept of the magnitude of what was about to unfold!

Father God, let us impress upon our sons and our daughters how quickly our time on earth evaporates. How tender and precious every minute of every day is and that it all is a gift from Him who created us. Let us teach our children to love and cherish each other and especially to honor and hold in great fear and reverence He whose breath of life we received. Thank-you Father. In Christ, Amen.



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