(Gen 6:13) Then God said to Noah, "The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.

LETS PRAY; Father God, yet today global Sin has reached terrible levels. Wretched, evil, perverted and horrifying behavior runs unchecked in every land. We know that the end times are near, very near and there remains so very much work to do in reaching the unsaved that you place in our paths. Guide us and energize us, O Lord, to bring in a record harvest. In Christ's name, AMEN.

The vulgarity and violence referred to by God in Genesis 6:13 was incredible. Incredible enough to convince our Creator to destroy everything and start over. That He did through the Great Flood. (Gen 6:17 thru Gen 7:24) God left only selected animals, birds and eight humans alive to repopulate the earth.

Even with this “Do Over”, man simply could not, or would not follow God's rules. It took little time for the sinfulness of man, the evil of Satan, to reach epic levels once more.

Despite the great efforts, teaching and accomplishments of men, men like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, David and Solomon, man could not distance themselves from the slavery and bondage of SIN. Man's efforts were useless in gaining salvation.

Death and Satan's rule of the earth was invited through the error of a sinless man, Adam. It would only be through another sinless and blameless man that this evil would finally be overcome and the purity that existed in the Garden of Eden be returned once more in glory to God. Who would this sinless and perfect man, this so called Second Adam be?

CLOSING PRAYER; Almighty God, thank-you for the opportunity to dive into scripture and to study the written road map that leads to salvation and eternal life. We cherish this time with you O Lord, in HIS Holy name, AMEN.



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