I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me. (Pro 8:17)

Pray with me: Heavenly Father, it is with a thankful heart that we come to You this hour and wash ourselves in Your Holy Word. Let us realize the great value of your beautiful gift of salvation through the blood of Your Son, Christ Jesus, Amen.

Proverb 8:17 shows clearly the simplicity of God's promise to all of those who have been called. (Mat 22:14) "For many are called, but few are chosen." I'll share a little secret with you. If you are alive and are breathing right now, YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED! The “Few are chosen” part is where it becomes a bit more complex. To be chosen, you have to answer His call. Do you hear that? He (Christ) is at your door knocking! Answer the door!

Open the door wide, invite Him in. Acknowledge to Him that you are a sinner. Open your heart and receive His gift of salvation and eternal life. He has already paid the price of death that was handed down against you when Adam unleashed Sin and Death for all future mankind. Christ went before the Judge of Judges and suffered a horrible death in your place. He has set you free. Answer the door!

Tomorrow is promised to no one. Yesterday is already gone, never to return. You have only today, right now, this very minute. Hear that? He is knocking. Won't you let Him in?

Father God, how horrible it is when a creation of yours fails time and time again to allow Christ to remove the sentence of death that follows all men and women through their days. You pronounced the death sentence rightly, Adam was surely guilty and the sentence was just. But, in Your wisdom, O' God, you gave Your creation a simple and straight method to be paroled, and that is through the cross and the blood of Your only begotten Son, Jesus. Take those hardened hearts, Lord, and carve a small hole to allow the pure light of Your promise to shine inside. Let the hardened heart be therefore softened from the inside out. Knock loudly Lord, some are hard of hearing, In HIS Blessed name, AMEN.



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