...For He who promised is faithful.
(Heb 10:23)

O' Sovereign Father Your Son taught us how to rightly pray, how to lift our supplications, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit,  that you have ordained,  to reside in those who believe. To receive our requests and pleadings with the confidence that an answer will come. I pray that we will one day fully understand the incredible value of being granted this important Holy favor as we, the created pleads directly with our Creator; Thank-you Father, Amen.

So often we find ourselves settling into the weak-prayer-routine. The fire and passion limps along in a much weakened state. Sometimes it is distraction. Most of the excuse can be laid at the road-side exit called -lack of discipline-. Effective prayer takes effort. It takes commitment. Prayer needs to be seasoned with salt.

Edward McKendree Bounds [E.M. Bounds], the father of effective prayer, learned how to sharpen his prayer skills serving as a Chaplain for the U.S. Confederate Army. The horror of war and the nearness of a violent death tends to satisfy the usual need to remain committed to prayer. Chaplain Bounds shares with us the following:

The possibilities of prayer are the possibilities of faith. Prayer and faith are Siamese twins. One heart animates them both. Faith is always praying. Prayer is always believing. Faith must have a tongue by which it can speak. Prayer is the tongue of faith. Faith must receive. Prayer is the hand of faith stretched out to receive. Prayer must rise and soar. Faith must give prayer the wings to fly and soar. Prayer must have an audience with God. Faith opens the door, and access and audience are given. Prayer asks. Faith lays its hand on the thing asked for.

Father God, through our faith in You we are moved to pray, and through our prayers we believe that You can do immeasurably more than we can ask or even imagine. In the name of Christ Jesus, Thank-you Father, Amen.



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