1. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and
with all thy strength" (Dt 6:5).
2. Thou shalt have God choose each member of an intercessory prayer group.
3. Thou shalt not intercede without first hearing God.
4. Thou shalt be as specific as possible.
5. Thou shalt have expectant faith.
6. Thou shalt love thy enemies.
7. Thou shalt expect spiritual warfare.
8.Thou shalt commit thyself to intercede for a set period of time.
9. Thou shalt change thy life-style.
10.Thou shalt pray as you have never prayed before.

Jesus, our Christ, our Lord is the great intercessor. Were it not for His death, and the washing of our sins in His blood, all of us would remain eternally condemned to the fires of Hell. This is TRUTH. God gave us the ability to decide, to choose salvation and live, or to believe the lies of Satan and be forever lost and in darkness.

There are those who live and breathe who have forever lost the ability to decide. Trapped in the ever shrinking world of their failing minds, these living souls are grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and in some instances, children. Brain injury, disease, trauma, violence, infection are among the causative agents that produce entrapment in a closed TERMINAL world of deep despair and loss.

Alzheimer's, stroke, organic brain wasting disease are a few names many of us have heard about and some have had first hand introductions through a loved one or friend.

(Heb 7:25) Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

Christ Jesus calls whom He wills to follow His lead in interceding for those who cannot escape the confinement of their own inability to decide. Intercession through prayer, powerful prayer. Praying for and on behalf of those who cannot pray for themselves.

In our system of laws, specifically dealing with Emergency Medical Intervention, we have three accepted levels of consent regarding intervention. (1) EXPRESSED CONSENT; the person is gravely injured, recognizes such, and readily agrees to ask for and receive intervention to stop or mitigate the emergency situation. (2) INFORMED CONSENT; My child is badly injured and I am requesting and giving permission for intervention. (3) IMPLIED CONSENT; The person who is in extremus cannot call for help. Cannot evaluate their grave situation. Is helpless and may soon perish and breathe their last. It is implied that this person, if they were able to do so, would readily agree to intervention in order to save their life.

It is through intercessive prayer and the call of the Holy Spirit that the tenants of implied consent come to bear in a spiritual emergency intervention, (on behalf of that precious soul) who cannot cry for help themselves.

In many cases, the calling for intercession through prayer may be the only avenue left opened, by God, for the dying to be saved unto the Lord. Perhaps you have been called to be an Intercession Prayer Warrior?

(Psa 25:4, 5) Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day, Amen.



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