Conversation with Jesus

(Mat 7:7) "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Sometimes I get so frustrated trying to determine and discern where God wants me that it becomes a stumbling block and a distraction. I am often my worst enemy as I try to stay just a step ahead of my Lord. It does not work! It does not work because His will and our will are almost always opposites. We remain flesh and blood, constantly influenced by the world, and simply cannot truly decipher the spiritual unless aided by the express intervention of the Holy Spirit. I so look forward to that day when all believers will exchange the tent of our bodies for the immortal and our language will be in the spirit.

(Isa 25:8) He will swallow up death for all time, And the Lord GOD will wipe tears away from all faces, And He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth; For the LORD has spoken.

One morning, during early devotions, I sat at my desk and experienced a “Day Dream” A dream of having a direct conversation with Jesus. All though not face to face, I imagined His actual presence in the room and following is my recollection of that Day Dreamed dialog:

ME: Oh my Lord God, how very lost I sometimes feel. When your presence is known through your actions, I am at the top of the world. It is almost like being in heaven while here on earth. You know my heart, Lord, you knitted me together in my mother's womb, and from that first heartbeat, my first breath, the first steps of my feet, you, Oh God, have always been right there. Most of the time Lord, I am confident in my walk, but other times, like now, I question if I am truly doing what I am supposed to do. What is my purpose? What is my job? Jesus help me!

JESUS: Love. Love our Father, Love me with all of your heart, all of your mind, and all of your soul, and love your brothers and sisters and neighbors as you love yourself. That is your purpose. It is why you were created. To Love. Love me because I first loved you. [MT 22:36-40, 1 JN 4:19]

ME: I do so love you Lord. With everything in me, I do so Love you!

JESUS: I know you do. That is why I am here. Your job, like your purpose is likewise uncomplicated. You are to go and make disciples of all the nations, Baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them about all of my commands. When you do that, I will always be with you to the very end of days. That, my loving brother, is your job. [MT 28: 18-20]

ME: (tears in my eyes) You called me brother!

JESUS: I did.

ME: (now sobbing) Lord I should be calling you King, Savior, even GOD! And you just called me, ME, your brother. [MT 12:50]

JESUS: I Love You. Let it be as I have said for this moment. In your human tent, you cannot measure the length or the width, or the height or the depth of my love for you. You are not capable of grasping such love, but you are capable of following in the example I set for you while I was walking on the earth. You see, you have all the tools you need to follow me. They are gifts from on high. Your greatest power rests in your FAITH. Faith, belief in that which you cannot see, cannot taste, cannot smell, cannot touch. The faith of a child that all is possible and that nothing is impossible with the Father and with Me. When you feel lost, find your faith. The narrow path will return. Above all else, know that I Love you and I am always here and will never leave you.
[EPH 3:17-19, MK 10:15, MT 17:20]

ME: Oh Lord, My God how wonderful you truly are, how magnificent, wondrous and powerful. All of us, those who believe, how very blessed we are to walk in your steps, and to follow your lead and to share the Truth, the Gospel to all who will listen. Thank-you Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me, Amen.

This was a day dream. Its tale, its contents are based on facts in the book. His book. Our guide. The Bible!

Have you read your Bible today?


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