Easter Reflections – His beautiful prayer
Republished from 2015

Easter is just a short time away. Before the joyous celebration of our risen Savior, there lies a time of pronounced grieving and horror as The Messiah completes His earthly mission, taking upon his shoulders and into His tortured body the sins of mankind forever.

Reading John chapters 16 and 17, Jesus shares with his disciples a special tenderness, an almost tearful plea for them to listen closely as he previews what is about to happen. His elect hangs on every word and nuance of His speech attempting to grasp a humanly impossible concept. In John 16:7, Jesus says “Nevertheless I tell you the truth, It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you.”. The Helper here is the Holy Spirit that would soon reside in all believers who accept God's wondrous gift of salvation.

In His youth, Jesus certainly had opportunity to see first hand the terrible manner of death crucifixion presented to the victim. We can only imagine the emotional struggle in His mind as He tried to prepare not only Himself, but his followers for what was to come.

Jesus prays a most eloquent and poignant prayer in Chapter 17. ….”Father, the hour has come”... Indeed, the final hours are rapidly evaporating as the cross looms in the darkness. Our Lord Jesus prays for himself, but more importantly, He prays for us! FOR US! Jesus Christ faces a most horrible death in just hours, and in this prayer He thanks our Father for giving Him all of the disciples, all of those who believe, all of those who have proclaimed and acknowledged Christ as the coming savior, the King of Kings. He proclaims that He was a good steward to those the Father provided, losing just one, and that was Judas Iscariot, who betrayed our Lord. This prayer was not just for those who were with Him in His time, but includes all of us who have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. That is you. That is me!

Before Easter arrives, please take the time to sit quietly and read out loud and slowly John Chapters 16 and 17. Savor every word. Allow the words to roll off of your tongue. Taste the emotion. Imagine if it were you praying in the hours before your death on the cross. Share His strength, His compassion, His quiet anguish in knowing the wretched and unfathomable pain He will soon have to endure....in His incredible love........for us.



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