Three A.M. Wakeup call

(Gen 31:11) "Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, 'Jacob,' and I said, 'Here I am.'

(Gen 37:6) He said to them, "Please listen to this dream which I have had;

(1Ki 3:15) Then Solomon awoke, and behold, it was a dream..........

The early morning hours seem to be an active time for our Lord as the Holy Spirit guides (or attempts to guide) our steps. The Lord has a long history of three a.m. counseling sessions and I assure you that He will be very persistent in arranging these meetings until His will is met.

Many nights a restful sleep begins only to be interrupted around two a.m.. tossing and turning; unable to return to sleep, often blaming the event on too much coffee, or that several day old burrito discovered in the fridge earlier in the evening.

These “early calls to prayer “, as I now refer to them, are very effective and productive. I come away refreshed, at peace and confident that my Lord Jesus loves me very much. I say this while many times the result God intends remains hidden from my view. In our early morning discussions, the Holy Spirit always brings to my mind what I believe is a direction, a solution, a promise, and sometimes a rebuke. You know, one of those “you know better than that” moments. Some sessions with my Lord Jesus may seem non-productive from my vantage point. Other times the exchange is very intense, tearful, sorrowful, repentant.

Opening the Good Book is often the key to finding His will and His way as He lovingly but firmly yokes you back to the center of the furrow and you begin to plow straight again.

There have been times where it was days, even weeks later, that the clarified direction the Holy Spirit was delivering finally becomes beautifully apparent.... through the Scriptures. When it happens, it lights up all your senses, you exclaim “Oh my goodness....there it is!! There is the answer I was looking for”. Thank-you Father, Thank-you Jesus, Thank-you Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen, Hallelujah, Amen!!

So.....rule of thumb...........If it is three a.m., it must be the Lord!



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