I looked in the mirror

As the mirror looked back at me this morning, a short sigh passed my lips. Was this me? Was this old fellow, with advancing wrinkles, really a true reflection of the me looking on? The mirror seems so unkind because it can only reflect the truth that it sees. Truth. The mirror speaks truth in the present. The mirror also reminds us of the truth of the past.

The rear-view mirror alerts us of things past that could be a future or present problem if not corrected. A glance in the rear-view mirror can save us a lot of heartache as we avoid mistakes of yesteryear. Strangely, things seem to look different, viewed through the rear-view mirror!

The morning will bring a fresh start. God heralds this new day with His artistry in the morning clouds. Reds and oranges, yellows and sapphire blues, silvers and golds in all kinds of hues. Our Lord gives us each day brand new, ever fresh, never the same nor repeated from the beginning of time. Each day fulfills His promise, His grace, His love.

The morrow will reveal the newness of the year. Yet another fresh start. A God given opportunity to learn from the reflection of the past. To grasp the weight the gift God offers to each and everyone of you. The chance to leave the past in the past. To clear your path in the present. To light your path in the future to a place of peace and joy and love that cannot be fully comprehended by our limited human minds. This wonderful gift is yours, won't you ask for it?

(Rom 10:9, 10) that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

Start your year from a place of strength, of love, of peace, of joy, by welcoming into your hearts our Creator, our Lord, our King, Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Almighty God, Amen.



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