Behind the Wall

(Jdg 16:21) Then the Philistines seized him and gouged out his eyes; and they brought him down to Gaza and bound him with bronze chains, and he was a grinder in the prison.

Tomorrow Jon, Wayne, Sandy and I will join others behind the wall. Inside the razor wire and electric fences, along paths marked with a yellow line. It will be no coincidence that a meeting has been arranged between this team and forty-two inmates of a fortified prison.

Over the next four days, we will meet, never having seen each other before. Never once having imagined that such a meeting would or could take place. For some, this will be their first-ever introduction to the TRUTH, and to the LOVE, and to the HOPE that is in Jesus Christ.

Some inmates will return to the yard as they came to us. Others will carry the shekinah glow about their face and the wondrous peace of Christ will flow from their whole bodies as a testament of their salvation; a light unto others.

All of our team will come away deeply humbled, wasted, spent, exhausted and in absolute awe and wonder of having been witness to the very hand of God converting the hearts of those whom Satan was so proud, no longer possessions of darkness. These days we shall never forget. Praise God!

When you pray, pray that the harvest for the Lord will be great. Pray that the stone hard hearts of those inside the wire will suffer a change. Pray that a small hole will be carved in these hardened hearts, just big enough to allow His brilliant light to chase the darkness from inside. And as the light replaces the veil of darkness, let it be so that the organ will be softened from the inside-out!

Pray that when we come out Sunday evening, that we will be celebrating with the Heavenly Host, new additions to the family of our Lord, co-heirs to the Kingdom through Jesus Christ, Amen. Pray also that the seeds we leave behind will eventually find fertile soil and sprout, Amen and Amen.



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