Light in Darkness
For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness. (2 Samuel 22:29)

Lately it seems to me that Satan is pulling out all the stops as he stirs up trouble and evil in this world. Each day brings a new expression of vulgarity. A global contest to see who can deliver the most hate, cause the most pain. Everybody is in the TRANSMIT mode. Who is RECEIVING? Who indeed.

Darkness is overtaking the earth. It is as though the Devil has broken into our church building and is stealing all the furniture, and worse, members of our own congregation are helping Satan carry off the goods. I want to grab ahold of them and shout STOP! Look at what you are doing!

It is absolutely vital that each of us puts on all of our armor, head-to-toe, each and every day. Never giving an inch to the prince of darkness. Never to compromise. Never to give in.

In these rapidly changing times and turmoil, the words of Charles Spurgeon brings a much needed dose of truth and hope:

Am I in the light? Then Thou, O Lord, art my lamp. Take Thee away and my joy would be gone; but as long as Thou art with me, I can do without the torches of time and the candles of created comfort. What a light the presence of God casts on all things! We heard of a lighthouse which could be seen for twenty miles, but our Jehovah is not only a God at hand, but far off is He seen, even in the enemy’s country. O Lord, I am as happy as an angel when Thy love fills my heart. Thou art all my desire.

Am I in the dark? Then thou, O Lord, wilt lighten my darkness. Before long things will change. Affairs may grow more and more dreary and cloud may be piled upon cloud; but if it grow so dark that I cannot see my own hand, still I shall see the hand of the Lord. When I cannot find a light within me, or among my friends, or in the whole world, the Lord, who said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, can say the same again. He will speak me into the sunshine yet. I shall not die but live. The day is already breaking. This sweet text shines like a morning star. I shall clap my hands for joy ere many hours are passed.

C.H. Spurgeon



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