Baton Rouge
Who are the helpers?

(2Co 1:3-4) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

So, who are those helpers that travel long distances to uncertain surroundings, giving up some creature comforts? Who willingly spends long days in the heat, sweating, working, lifting, feeding, fixing, carrying, walking, talking, hugging, praying, sharing with people they have never seen before, and in all probability will never see again? Who does that? God's Children. That's who!

There is a fellow named Walt who drove over a thousand miles to be God's vessel carrying hope to a stranger in need. Walt spent much of his life building really, really big facilities. Walt knows how to get things done. He is one of the first people to make contact with absolute strangers, and the Holy Spirit leads his every step. Walt uses his own truck, and even following an accident that caused great damage to his favorite truck, a crow bar, hammer and a prayer allowed him to continue serving among the piles of rubble. God has answered his prayers, he will be made whole. The mission continues.

Then there is Stu. I think God made Stu very special. Meeting him is like seeing an old friend and in the first 30 seconds of shaking his Louisiana Bred hand, its is like you have known him your whole life. By the grace of God, Stu brings a uncommon calm to any situation. The master of friendly distraction, this soft talking smiling saint immediately turns a victim's mind from their troubles and moves their thoughts to hope, help, recovery, and prayer. Stu has suffered more than his share of pain and trouble in his life. The Lord blesses when He leads Stu to that soft spot in a person's heart, the spot that operates the tear glands, and suddenly, for a time, everything bad stops in its tracks and hope is poured deep into the soul. Stu is blessed and through him, the Holy Spirit double blesses those who were placed in his path by tragedy. Stu and Walt are part of a huge team of folks who are specially equipped by the Lord to deliver His light to needy hearts.

Who are the helpers? They are all born again, filled to the brim with the rich love of Jesus Christ. God made them policemen, builders, pastors, chaplains, physicians, engineers, pilots, accountants, mechanics, writers, homemakers, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and just good old fashioned God fearing, Jesus loving people willing to be a part of something so much bigger than themselves. That is the Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief Team, my friend!! They Get it done!

This was my very first disaster call out. I am hopelessly hooked. The experience, the favor of God, the movement of the Holy Spirit has changed me forever. Working along side of these wonderful selfless souls opened a door to the richness and beauty of our Lord's plan, His character, His wonder, and His compassion. People helping other people........what a Godly concept!

Have you read your Bible today?


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