Baton Rouge
Out of chaos comes a message

(Gen 7:10) It came about after the seven days, that the water of the flood came upon the earth.

The sunrise today was especially beautiful as it triggered a vision in my mind and a joy in my heart. The ball of the sun was just beginning to show, sky reflecting a baby blue over which were horizontal layers, more like ripples colored in reds, oranges and silver. From these wave type clouds came feathered see through clouds. Like veils they seemed to drape from the heavens reaching to the earth all around the sunrise. I was mindful that these veils were like angels. Angels descending from above, gathering near the ground as if to be meeting, to be coordinating their over watch duties this day. Prayerfully, I whispered that all of Baton Rouge could see and understand the same as I. From the chaos and tragedy comes a peace, that our God is with us. As difficult as times may be today, refreshment from on high awaits just over that beautiful horizon.

Despite the chaos, the damage, the scope of this horror, only a small number precious souls perished. It could have been so much worse. Instead, the wrath was taken out on the MATERIAL. The things that so many people gauge their personal success or failure with. In so many instances, it is the material that gets in between us and God. Some even worship the material, placing it position-ally above all else. That my friend is a dangerous position to be in. I think God has gotten our attention on this event!

The sermon delivered Sunday morning in the Florida First Baptist Church, our headquarters in Baton Rouge, delivered a strong message that we should all work hard to convey. The time is now to move away from the material and start fresh in storing up the spiritual. The clock is ticking. Each one of us must see this event and other recent global events in the context of where we are in relation to scripture and the end times. Now, this minute, this hour is the time to share the Gospel to all who will hear.

We have been assisting families in conducting mini funerals for the material representatives of those treasures that are stored in the heart. Saying goodbye is the first forward step in the grieving process. Losing these keepsakes, these mementos of memories past is not unlike a death in the family. Now, it all lies in heaps and piles, sitting by the road, never to return. The message: store your treasures in heaven.

(Mat 6:19-20) "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.

Baton Rouge has certainly seen its share of violence and turmoil, this year, but it was the flood, the chaos, the destruction on a huge scale that opened the door to brotherly love and neighbor helping neighbor. Suddenly, in near equal measure, everybody has about the same amount of stuff. The rest is at the curb. Color and race, no longer important. A helping hand is just that, a helping hand!

A young black man and the team prayed together yesterday afternoon. Just one of so many. We were on board at his home assessing the family's needs. He looked at us with a tear in his eyes saying that just before the flood, he was right smack in the middle of all the hate, violence and demonstrations downtown. He was full of rage and anger. Today he finds himself with white guys praying, hugging, and wishing so hard that the spirit of love that resulted from the chaos and destruction, could stay behind. He said “I just can't figure it out, one day its like we hate each other and the next, you are on my property hugging me”. It is the Holy Spirit my friend. The Team left but Jesus, He stayed behind.

Father, we pray that what has given to us from so many on these missions will be shared with all those who will listen. We pray Father, that Your love that has been delivered through us to others in this crisis, will also serve to convict them to share what they received to those who will hear them. Father, fill all of us with your pure sweet love. Fill us to overflowing so that we are compelled to share that same love with all we come into contact with. we ask this Father God in the name of Your precious Son, Christ Jesus, Amen.

Have you read your Bible today?


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