A WEEKLY Christian is a WEAKLY Christian. I don't know who it was that coined that phrase but I certainly agree and here is why:

In Acts 2: 46-47, Luke paints us a picture of what church life was like on a daily basis in the days and years following the ascension of our Christ;

(Act 2:46) Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart,

(Act 2:47) praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.

I talk with many in our own congregation who exclaim how wonderful it is to be in the church Sunday morning to “Re-charge their Spiritual Batteries”. For me, if I waited for an entire week to to “Recharge the Spiritual batteries”, Satan would have a field day messing with me!!

God designed us to be a “Daily” church. He made us to operate on the daily clock, so-to-speak. [I'm sure you have noticed that our Almighty Father does not wear a wrist watch.....] Humans are the slaves to the clock, and by our own design we have carved out the following template that governs how and what we do. Observe: we have eight hours for sleep, eight hours for our regular professions and eight hours for rest and relaxation. [I know.....I can hear some of you saying “I Wish that were so!]

We are daily by design. The sun comes up, we go. The sun goes down, we stop. Calendars for weeks and months and years, well that we can only blame on ourselves. In this context lies the issue.

If we only get “Churched” one time a week, what happens on the 6 other days? Do we become “Unchurched?” We are taught by scripture to ENCOURAGE each other every day. To PRAY every day, to FORGIVE every day, and to WITNESS to others every day. If we wait until Sunday each week, who do we end up witnessing to? Mostly, ourselves.

Sunday worship and fellowship, Wednesday fellowship, small group gatherings are vital. This is how we grow, and how we remain accountable not only to each other, but to He who made us. We NEED collective fellowship!

(Heb 4:7) He again fixes a certain day, "Today," saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before, "TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS."

The author in Hebrews points to where we should be in our expected walk with our Lord and Savior. He also tells us on which day this should be occurring, TODAY!

Each and every day we must strive to attend church. Where ever we are, we are (or should be) the very reflection of the Christ Jesus. In school, at Wally World, over at Lowes, at the Tom Thumb, we have a constant flow of precious souls who need to be ENCOURAGED. Who can receive great benefit from PRAYER. The individual who is so in need of being FORGIVEN. Whether we do so verbally or through our actions, we are His WITNESS, His reflection and so often, we become the only Bible many of these souls will ever see. YOU!

(Heb 3:13) But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

If you simply carved out five minutes from each of the 16 hours that are not devoted to sleep, just FIVE minutes each hour to ENCOURAGE, PRAY, FORGIVE or WITNESS, WOW! Thats one hour and twenty minutes. How long does it take for you to say to someone, “Thank-you, I appreciate what you are doing”. How difficult would it be to offer, “May I pray for you today?” Oh, and “I forgive you”.

Go ahead, time yourself uttering each of these examples. I'll bet that if you spoke all three examples the time it would take would be less than one minute out of the five minutes you could devote to your Lord each hour. That leaves four minutes for a WITNESS, or the reaction to your WITNESS. How beautiful is that?

Lets all be in church every day, just as God designed us to be! Not just on Sundays.



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