(Luk 9:35) Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!"

Listen to Me, listen to My Son, listen to them, listen to My Word, Listen to Him, They don't listen, they did not listen, if you would only listen.......

Many of us are pretty good at sending, but woefully poor in the art of receiving. So often God's will is delayed or interfered with because we refuse to listen. We love to hear ourselves talk. We think we have all the answers. It is actually rare for us to have any of the answers absent the Holy Spirit. When your mouth is running, its very difficult to hear the inner voice of God, and we miss His message.

(Joh 10:27) "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;

This old boy has had many years of experience in the “Flapping of Lips” department. The result has been missed opportunities, loss of valued lessons, ignored warnings, and failing God more times than I could ever count. [ He is so very patient with us....]

Have you ever been driving the car, jacking your jaw, and you miss the turn off? When your mouth is operating it pulls vital nutrients from the common sense part of your brain. This results in stupid behavior, irrational actions, and failure to notice the RED LIGHT at the intersection you are about to speed through. The mouth is so over rated.

When we practice the gentle art of LISTENING, (and it truly is an art), and discipline ourselves to LISTEN, and not talk, amazing things happen! Knowledge happens! Learning happens! Valued information and usable data is revealed producing an OH-MY-GOSH moment. This is only possible when the MOUTH unit is closed and the EAR unit is open.

When a friend comes to you with a problem, their hope is that you will listen. That you will hear and understand. That is what friends are for. If, instead, you are in TRANSMIT mode, you will most likely not hear the message your friend is hoping you will RECEIVE. If you miss the MESSAGE, you miss an opportunity. We rarely have a second bite at that apple. Many warnings are missed while the mouth bloviates.

God's message throughout the Bible is to LISTEN. We listen to learn, we learn to OBEY, we obey to serve, and we serve to minister in His LOVE. None of this happens if we fail to LISTEN. Its in the Book!



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