Facebook, Twitter, My Space, InstaGram. Communications vehicles of the internet. Messages and ideas transmitted from a portable computer in Rome, Georgia and received in seconds in a basement apartment in Perth, Australia with copies acknowledged in Munich, Paris, and Budapest. Once the SEND button is clicked, your words literally travel around the world. Once the written (or pictured) word is released, it remains on someone's system somewhere FOREVER.

Gods bookkeeping is kinda like the internet in that every word, deed, good or bad, every lie and every sin is recorded FOREVER. Eventually, each of us will stand before one of two thrones and the books will be balanced. [Revelation 20:12]

When I was young, our music came on 78 rpm records. Portable radios weighed 14 pounds. My first telephone number was 21. We still used out-houses and thunder mugs, and Airmail had only recently been invented. No cell phones, no Ipods, no CD's. Sending a message to a distant city meant writing, by hand, your words, sealing them in an envelope affixing postage of three cents, and delivering it to the postman. Within a week, message received. Airmail, two days quicker, but the price would be 13 cents. THIRTEEN CENTS........CAN YOU IMAGINE?

Back then a person had time to think about what was being written. Time to consider what the impact might be on others. Words have power you know. On more than one occasion “time” saved my bacon. Time allowed me to reconsider my words, and since letter writing and mailing is not instant, hurtful and even shameful words or news was changed or tempered to soften or place into perspective the intended message. The letter would be received only by the intended party and unless carelessness ensued, would remain private. Confessed sins would not become public fodder. Oh how things have changed!

Today, the internet, Facebook, Twitter, et al, have become Satan's most celebrated tool. “Sin, at the speed of light” is Hell's new motto. The Devil no longer has to roam the earth to and fro, all he needs is reliable 4G service! Not only can you SIN, news of that SIN can be posted on Facebook and SHARED, and others will CONGRATULATE you on this publicly  confessed SIN then CELEBRATE the very SIN itself!! How cool is that?  The path to Hell has never been so easy, so quick, so accessible.  Repent, turn back to Him. Do it now. 

Oh my Lord, how far we have fallen. How grave is our illness?

(Moral worthlessness, Come quickly Lord)[1 Cor 16:22--KJV]    

Have you read your Bible today?


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