And I Love my Valley's Too!

I love so much those special mountain-top moments with my Lord. You know those, times when God delivers a direct blessing to you through the in-dwelling Holy Spirit. It produces that remarkable sensation of extreme peace and joy that wells up from deep inside you. Filling your whole being, your entire body with that Holy pleasure, glee, happiness, security, love and calm. (this is the only way I can describe the feeling)

Then comes the time when we must come down from the mountain top and into the valley. I should look forward to spending time in the valley. Often though, I find myself wondering aloud where are those gleeful moments that I frequently get when on the mountain top? The feeling is like being directly plugged into God because you can see for miles in all directions. Down in the valley, you can't see very far. The voice of God seems to be quiet, perhaps vacant. Its almost like the signal from God's radio station has poor reception, deep in the valley.

It is during this time, in the valley, that I sometimes become discouraged. The Holy Spirit seems less responsive. Once in a while I even question why I am here. What am I supposed to do? What is my purpose? Where am I going?

Oh yes,..... then....THEN....I remember. The fruit is not produced high atop a mountain. It is in the valley where the work is done. Through the sweat of your toil, the planting of the seeds, the nurturing of the tender plant, it is HERE in the valley where the Fruit, is produced. Praise you Jesus. Praise you Holy Spirit. Only here, deep in the valley, is the accomplished work of our Lord realized. Here is where your faith carries you through. Here, in the valley is where the harvest is taken. It is where the work is performed. It is HERE in the valley where the Lord tests you, strengthens you, teaches you, grows you. The valley is where the TRUE work of Jesus takes place. Be comforted here. Be at peace. He may be quiet, here deep in the valley, but He sees you working hard for Him. What a beautiful sight that is in His eyes.


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