So many times I think we get so wrapped up in service projects and human programs what we THINK in our hearts that we are doing the will of the Lord. Oswald Chambers hit me right between the eyes this morning with his “re-adjustment” of my way of thinking. Perhaps I need to re-examine my motivation while serving. Am I serving the SYSTEM, or am I serving HIM?

It Is the Lord!”
"Thomas answered and said to Him, ’My Lord and my God!’"
John 20:28
Jesus said to her, ’Give Me a drink’ ” (John 4:7). How many of us are expecting Jesus Christ to quench our thirst when we should be satisfying Him! We should be pouring out our lives, investing our total beings, not drawing on Him to satisfy us. “You shall be witnesses to Me . . .” (Acts 1:8). That means lives of pure, uncompromising, and unrestrained devotion to the Lord Jesus, which will be satisfying to Him wherever He may send us.
Beware of anything that competes with your loyalty to Jesus Christ. The greatest competitor of true devotion to Jesus is the service we do for Him. It is easier to serve than to pour out our lives completely for Him. The goal of the call of God is His satisfaction, not simply that we should do something for Him. We are not sent to do battle for God, but to be used by God in His battles. Are we more devoted to service than we are to Jesus Christ Himself? {Oswald Chambers}

FATHER, grant us wisdom through the Holy Spirit on a daily basis in order that we might see with our eyes and hear with our ears and think with our minds that which is pleasing to you, not of ourselves. Let us serve you and you alone and be ready to do your bidding at all times. In the name of JESUS of Nazareth, Amen.


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