Expand your horizons in 2016

When I woke this morning there were a few emails awaiting. Most were the Happy New Year greetings, but two had the Holy Spirit as attachments. One was from a woman who had just lost her husband of 47 years in the month before Christmas. His birthday celebration would have been December 23rd. She struggled through this holiday and only this morning did it appear that her road might be a little straighter, a little smoother. I reminded her of God's love and compassion. That she is never alone, His strength walks with her no matter where her feet might trod. She will be clutching her Bible a little bit tighter in the days ahead.

The other Holy Spirit driven email (actually......they all are Holy Spirit Driven, we just seldom notice). This from a wonderful friend who served in the Army with me. We had been exchanging our opinions and views on world events, especially the huge up-tick in terror related violence, and the persecution and killing of Christians. He lost the love of his life several years ago, but carries her deep in his heart every day.

The dialog between us was clearly focused on the end times, and events taking shape before our eyes and their Biblical connection. I recommended to him a certain named study Bible that held a very high position of respect among others who are starting their personal relationship with God's Word. What struck a cord in me was discovering that his departed wife owned that very named study Bible and that it was in his house. I paused to Praise the Lord. It is awesome the way our Lord, our Jesus does His work, right before our eyes!!!

I despise New Year's Resolutions but permit me to Recommend a commitment, a personal promise, a sign on the dotted line agreement to read through the Bible in ONE YEAR, Genesis to Revelation, starting today. It's going to take some work, discipline, stick-to-it-ness, and management of your time. The benefit to everything in your life, will be extraordinary, wondrous, beautiful and absolutely satisfying. Along the way you will learn things you never knew, revisit that which you may have forgotten, and strengthen your ability to remain strong as the end times and the prophesy unfolds before us.

Here is an online resource that will greatly help you during this year's progress:


Read with me this year. Read every day. Finish the Race. God Bless you and your family throughout this new year. May the love of our Lord Jesus fill your heart with peace and strength, AMEN.


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