The Persecuted Church
Twelve Days of Prayer

I prayerfully ask that you join me hand in hand, prayer in heart with Christians United for the Persecuted Church adding these global locations to your prayers for the next twelve days.

The horrors for our Believing brothers and sisters and their children is far from our shores. Despite the great distance, we are directly connected with these persecuted souls spiritually through Christ Jesus. Please add the following locations to your prayers asking God to protect, bless and rescue those who would perish at the hands of Satan's followers for their belief and faith in Almighty God and His only begotten son, Christ Jesus:

Dec 13 Pakistan
Dec 14 Gaza
Dec 15 Nigeria
Dec 16 Iraq
Dec 17 Sudan
Dec 18 Iran
Dec 19 Saudi Arabia
Dec 20 Syria
Dec 21 Eritrea
Dec 22 Maldives
Dec 23 Libya
Dec 24 Yemen

One last request, please also add Israel to your on-going prayers! God Bless you each and every one.


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