Thanksgiving lives in our hearts.

As Linda and I go through the boxes of memories in the attic of our minds, we made a number of discoveries. Things that we had tucked away, sealed in a container and placed on the shelf in the storage space we call the brain. It is here we store the remnants of the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the joy and the tears, and those special memories that bring a smile to our faces.

In a world fraught with turmoil, with violence, with hatred, we are so very thankful that here, right here where we make our home, God's wondrous peace wafts through the salty air. Every day we are direct witness to the august beauty of God's majesty in His creation, His sky, His clouds, His air that we breathe, and the smell of His breath with the passing breeze. Thank-you Father.

Even though we have suffered the loss of precious loved ones this year, we remain so very thankful that they were here, and that we had the honor and joy of being a part of each others lives. We are thankful that we will see them again when our turn comes to be ushered into the presence of Christ.

We must not forget that we have yet among us those who carry great burdens in health issues, pain, illness, seemingly endless trips to the doctor, procedure after procedure. Those who have no roof over their heads, no comfortable bed to rest within, no assurance of a meal when the sun sets. We are thankful that God gives us the patience and the strength to work through these tribulations as they progress. Faith that He includes us in His grand plan.

We are thankful for the power of prayer. For the privilege of having direct audience with the Creator of all that is, all that was and all that will ever be. Christ makes arrangement for us to send our voice into His ear and have Him respond with love, courage, fortitude and promise, in faith, that He hears every word. Prayer is the energy that brings change. Brings comfort. Brings promise.

Lastly, we are so very thankful that each of you are a part of our lives. Your sharing, caring, praying, and love is that strong fiber that binds us all into the fabric we call life in Christ. We are brothers, sisters, supporters one to another, and above all, we are children of Almighty God.

Father God, we ask for your patience as we stumble through this life, wearing this temporary tent. We thank you for the sacrificial cleansing given us by your only loving Son Jesus, the Christ. We thank you for the blessing and miracle of the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide and counsel us in our walk. We thank you for being God, and for the joy of being your people, your children, your servants. Praise you Father, in Jesus name, AMEN.


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