When you received your new address, did you give any thought in how you might inform others of the change? After all, changing your status from resident to visitor presents certain issues, especially when mixing with the local population.

Many of the local residents have never known anything other than where they reside right now. Some claim that such a change would be boring, no longer fun, and there is probably no MTV or cable in the new place anyway. Others have long had a desire to make the change but the investment portfolio is now producing money like never before. They'd hate to lose a penny dealing with a long-term commitment like that!

If someone were to ask me for directions to where I now reside, I would smile, and simply turn my gaze upwards. Those who know would quickly understand. Others, sadly, will never connect those dots.

Jesus said in John 8:23; You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. In verse 15:19, Jesus continued; If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

You see, when we put-off the old man, [Eph 4:22] crawling with ugly, nasty, vile and wretched sin, and put-on the new man in Christ, we gave up our residency here on earth. Under the promise and in the faith, we have brand new quarters waiting for our arrival just beyond those Pearled gates. It comes with a new, indestructible body, [1 Cor 15:54 ] eternal life with joy, wonder, and the extraordinary honor of being in the very presence of He who created it all! That, my friend, is a pretty exclusive address, and I am a proud citizen. I am just a visitor here on earth. I'm just visiting ya'all for a little while.........Are you ready to make the change?


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