The Talking Pelican

I hold my best conversations with God while sitting at the God Spot, just a short distance from our house. The spot sits right on the mouth of the East Bay and teams with the beauty and awe of God's creation. Trees, plants, animals, birds, sky, breezes, the whole deal. This is where I can clear my mind and be alone to hold secret prayer with my maker.

Today my mind, driven by the Spirit, came to life as I visualized the following event:

The pelicans were feeding. Oh how they glide so effortlessly with such grace then suddenly dive for the catch. They rarely miss. Then, right out of the blue, my mind saw a big beautiful pelican fly in and land on one of the uprights at the boat dock, thirty feet to my front. I sat there, at the picnic table and admired this wonderful sight. I said:

ME: Morning pelican!
PEL: Oh, morning human...
ME: WOW! You talk!
PEL: ah....Yup! Weird huh?
ME: Well, it certainly is unexpected, ya know....
PEL: Its a God thing! You know about Him don't you?
ME: Oh....ah...well yes. Yes I do! He made all of us, each and every one!
PEL: Yup, that's the same one! GOD!
ME: I can't get over this. A conversation with a pelican.
PEL: Anything is possible, with God! Sometimes God wants to open your human eyes to the awe of His creation and tells us pelicans to fly by real slow to show off the grace of our flight. He's God, you know. If He says fly over there, we fly over there. If He says fly over here, we fly over here! We do as He says. God made all of us, you know.
ME: So true. So, how is it being a pelican? Tell me about how your average day goes.
PEL: As the sun is beginning to light up the morning sky, we pelicans wake up where ever our perch is located. We stretch out our wings, and yawn real big. You know, pelican breath is really bad in the morning, and if the wind is in the right direction when we yawn, we get a whiff of rotten fish breath. I hate that! Anyway, We get all stretched out and appreciate the sunrise. Each sunrise is completely different. Have you noticed that?
ME: I sure have!
PEL: Then its time to head out for breakfast. Pelicans love to fish. I think the Bible says something about Fishing, but I can't read. Anyway, ya fly along and use the incredible eyesight all pelicans have, a fish is spotted and BINGO, breakfast!
ME: So, how many fishes makes up a good breakfast?
PEL: Can be one, if it is big enough, but usually four or five small to medium swimmers do the job. We have to be careful when we are really, really hungry. Sometimes we snag a fish bigger than will fit down our throats and we end up having to puke the fish back up or choke to death!!! Sea Gulls love it when that happens. They laugh, and point their beaks at us. You know.........they eat that stuff!! Those are some dirty birds!
ME: How do you get along with the other birds?
PEL: Pretty good. We are a fairly big bird, and other than making a lot of noise, others pretty much leave us alone. Once in a while a pelican will stray into the wooded areas and meet up with a big old Owl. Now, that is one scary bird. No body messes with the owls!
ME: How do you get along with humans?
PEL: Ahh, they seem to be ok. What really makes my waddle wiggle is when they cut their fishing lines and leave fish hooks floating on the water. Even with our good eyesight, we occasionally get a fish hook caught in our throats or in our gullets. Very, very painful. Many times it gets infected and the pelican dies. I wish they would be better stewards and clean up after themselves. They are the higher ups, you know!
ME: Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
PEL: Well, Sir, its lunch time and I see fish jumpin out there in mid-bay. It was a pleasure talking with you. Would I be out of line if I blessed you in His name?
ME: Not at all.
PEL: Well, God Bless you human!
ME: God Bless you pelican.


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