Do you have a God-spot? A place that is outside of the house? Somewhere where you can be all alone, and feel the breath of God on your face? That special location. Just you, the sky, the air and Him, no distractions?

I just returned from mine. Its a picnic table down by the boat ramp. On a good day, I can sit there and talk to God for hours. Once in a great while I can hear that whisper, that quiet voice from deep inside, like a deep thought. I believe it is the Holy Spirit, counseling, helping me to see through His eyes, His way, His will. Most of the time, the conversation is one-way. Or so it would seem.

In my heart, I truly believe that he hears each and every word. He knows my heart and knows in an instant if I am hedging in my conversation. Although I realize that all words I perceive from Him come from deep within me, I know that it is He and His indwelling Spirit who guides these expressions of my conscience, that familiar inner voice. Oh the many, many situations that have been resolved during these special dialogs !!

Several weeks ago, while at the God-spot, my heart was fairly troubled. I was calling on Him for His guidance and help. Before long, it was as if I was figuring out the solutions to my issues, all by myself! Not so. I can do nothing by myself. It was the very spirit of the living God who provided the solutions, or at the very least, uncovered them so that I could clearly see the path.

No sooner had this epiphany taken place, just as my eyes looked out over the waters of the bay, three pods of dolphins swam by first from the West to the East, then returned moving from East to West. Each of the pods had one baby swimming aside the mother, and another adult trailed slightly on the opposite side. Three pods of three. I do so Love the way He works.

Jesus had to get away to His God-spots. A place where He and the Father could talk candidly, where He could open His heart to him as any child would to his Father.

If you don't have a God-spot, what an opportunity of the Spirit you are missing. I recommend this highly. Doesn’t have to be fancy, just private. Just enough room for you and God to have a good talk. A place to share your special secrets with Him. To get your Spirit recharged. I can promise, you will not regret the meeting.

May His Blessings continue to be the Light by which your eyes may see, Amen.

Brother Gary


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