“Where do I begin”, I asked Him. “Do I start over there? Is down there the start? How about up on that distant hill? Is that where I might find the beginning?”

He said to me, “Look down at your feet. See how firmly they are planted? Now, look to the left and after you have observed all that there is to see then look to the right and do the same.” His instruction continued; “Without moving your feet, turn your head and body just enough to see what is behind you. When you have observed all that there is to see, look straight ahead and repeat. Where your feet are in relation to what is seen on the left, and on the right, and behind you and in front of you, that is where the beginning resides.”

“Your journey may now begin by taking your first forward moving step. Each step always moving forward, pausing when necessary, but never moving backwards. Each and every step now becomes a simple update to the last.” Trust in Him, enjoy the journey. You have now begun.


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