This missive might be enlightening to some, and horribly depressive to some others. What I would like to talk about is the “D” Word. Most folks just don't want to have anything to do with the “D” Word; They don't want to hear about it. They certainly don't want to talk about it, especially in mixed company. People often pretend that the “D” Word will never impact them, at least anytime soon!
These same persons have absolutely no problem with openly, and quite vigorously discussing the “B” Word, even with children, if you dare to believe that!! However, at the first mention of the “D” Word, the room gets suddenly quiet, moms place their hands over the impressionable ears of children, and then, everybody get up and leaves! Just like that!! You would think that since both are natural, expected, planned, or sometimes “un-planned”, and that everyone reading this is currently subject to one of these words, and eventually will be compelled to deal with the other, that we would embrace both. We don't. We celebrate “BIRTH” and avoid with extraordinary effort the “D” Word, “DEATH”.
Well, here we are. I have gone and said the word. Death. I'll pause for a moment to allow some of you to scroll on down, or switch the computer off. ….............All of us who have been born (I believe that includes ya'all) will one day be forced to mess with death. Only people who study Thanatology really enjoy messing with death, and I've never invited one of them over to my house for dinner. But, I am getting off the track. Dying is just as natural as being born. Dying in the flesh, that is.
God set the limit on how long we live back in Genesis 6:3 when the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years”. Later in Psalms 90:10, Moses fine tuned the number to what we see presently; “The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty, if we have the strength..”. Now, assuming that we are not run over by a bus, or acquire a terminal illness, or carelessly be in the bath tub with a plugged in toaster oven, we stand a good chance of reaching pretty close to the age that Moses predicted. Let there be no doubt, however, when God decides its time.........Death happens! It always seems to be a big surprise to us!
Now, I am going to stop right here. I will return in a few days with the meat & potatoes on this Death topic. Fair warning! One final question, If tonight when you close your eyes, and death pays you a visit, where do you suppose you will be when your spiritual eyes open?


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