Eccl 7: 2, “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart”.
Solomon, King of Jerusalem, tried to look beyond the grave in his beautiful confessions in Ecclesiastes. Life often does not turn out as we would like; Solomon remarked that “the race is not always to the swift”.
Our approach in dealing with the natural fact of death is to ignore it. We avoid even discussing it until it arrives at the door. How do we begin to change how we relate to death? Through the Bible, that's how!
I used to be absolutely petrified about, you know..........the “D” word. Today I am completely at peace No more fears, no more trepidation. I know what is beyond the veil, over the horizon, on the “other side”. Jesus taught me. By His Word and His promise, that if I am faithful, believing in Him and in the Father and in the Holy Spirit, He in turn assures me ever lasting life following the retirement of this decaying tent that I am wearing.
I know the beauty, the glory and the wonder that waits immediately after my last breath on this earth. The scripture 1 Cor 15: 52 to 54 speaks of us trading our perishable bodies for the imperishable, exchanging the mortal for the immortal, and declaring joyously with Christ that “.....Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
Truly, for believers, those who know Christ, he who holds Him in his heart, them who have called His name, and to those whom He has called, there is no fear in the earthly death. Only joy as you are welcomed into the Kingdom of heaven. Can I get an AMEN?


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