THE "D" WORD, Final
Genesis 27:2, Isaac said, "I am now an old man and don't know the date of my death."
Psalm 56:13, For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.
Now we come to the end of our missive on the "D" Word. If anything, I pray that not one of you fear that which will eventually befall each of us. It is the earthly finish line that must be crossed. I also pray that you will look beyond that day, that hour, and find a calm peace in your hearts. Peace in knowing that your faith in the promise of Jesus will reveal itself in the eternity that awaits.
In the meantime, waste not a moment, or a second, but tell those you love how deep your love is. Tell them today, tonight, now! Tomorrow is promised to no one, only today, only this moment in which we breathe are we assured.
I pray that you have your "Celestial Baggage" packed and ready to go at a moment's notice. Say those special words to all those you care for. Call them now. "I Love you Mom", "Thanks for being there for me, my brother.", "I have always loved you my darling daughter".
Don't wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow may have other plans for you!
God Bless you all. Pray, Love, Pray and Love some more.........then Pray again!!


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